Registration Guide 2024-2025
Review Courses
Suffolk Law offers bar prep courses for students in their last year of law school.
Pre-Graduation Courses (Free) Name
Elective course that reviews legal principles tested on the bar exam. The fall semester covers civil procedure, criminal law and procedure, and real property. The spring semester covers contracts, evidence, and torts. Each semester one live class and one online class is offered. Open to all students, and required with a first-year GPA of 2.670 to 3.000. Elective course, open to all students, that uses Multistate Performance Tests throughout the course to practice these legal analysis skills and assessments. Students develop and practice fundamental legal analysis skills, including interpretation and analysis of statutes and case law, synthesis of rules from different sources, and application of rules to factual scenarios. This year-long course is required for academically at riskstudents (those with a first-year GPA of less than 2.670). Restricted enrollment. Graduates preparing for the summer Bar Exam can participate in a three-hour MPT writing session, designed to prepare students for the morning portion of the first day of the Bar Exam. Graduates will work on timing, organization, critical reading, and analytical skills. Students will receive a score, individualized feedback, and the opportunity tomeet with a Bar Prep Advisor. The MPT TimedWriting Session will be held in late June/early July. Graduates preparing for the summer Bar Exam can participate in a three-hour MEE writing session, designed to prepare students for the afternoon portion of the first day of the Bar Exam. The MEEs are selected to reflect some ofthe most frequently-tested topics on the essay portion of the Bar Exam. Graduates will work on timing, organization, critical reading, and analytical skills. Students will receive a score, individualized feedback, and the opportunity to meet with a Bar Prep Advisor. The MEE TimedWriting Session will be held in late June/early July.
Advanced Survey of Core Legal Principles
Advanced Legal Analysis
Fundamentals of Law
Multi-State Performance Test Timed Writing Session
Multi-State Essay Examination (MEE) Timed Writing Session
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