Registration Guide 2024-2025


Students must submit certification of completion of their ExperientialLearning Requirements to the Office of Academic Services.  CLE certification will be provided at legal education seminars  Once you have completed the practice-based learning requirement pleasecomplete the Professional Development Requirement form (available at Academic Services and online at Student Forms) Students are asked to complete these requirements, and provide certificationto Academic Services, no later than the fall semester of their final year.

Experiential Learning Requirements

Requires an application and approval process to earn credit; submit as early aspossible prior to that semester.


 No later than November 1 for January graduates  No later than January 1 for May graduates

JD Degree Application

Legal Writing Requirement

Students should plan to complete this requirement no later than the fall semester of their final year.

The LSSSE Survey takes place annually. The LSSSE Survey is designed to measure the effects of legal education on law students. Students will receive alink from LSSSE to complete the survey, in the spring.


Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination - a requirement that must be completed in addition to the Bar Exam. Students should plan to complete this no later


than the fall semester of their final year. March, August, November test dates.

Students enrolled in a non-classroom activity (Directed Study, Research Assistant or Teaching Assistant) are required to maintain a log of all hours worked on a timesheet. The faculty member supervising students in non- classroom activities will be required to sign off on the time log. The certified time log must be submitted to the Office of Academic Services no later than the last day of classes for that semester.

Non-Classroom Activity

 Bar Admissions, Bar Examination and Professionalism  Early September, year 2, mandatory

Orientation II

Registration takes place in April for fall classes, and in November for Intersession and spring classes. Registration for the summer session begins in March. Additional deadlines will be announced for international study. Students will be emailed in advance with information on registration dates and individual year requirements.


Write on Competition

Students generally have 2 weeks to submit a competition piece. The Write-On Competition takes place in late May.


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