Registration Guide 2024-2025



May be taken for academic credit, or not for credit. Students taking the externship for credit do sofor two or more credits (pass/fail).

Each year, Suffolk Law School in cooperation with the Center for International Legal Studies (CILS), offers students externship placements at private law firms in more than 90 countries as part of its Summer Global Externship Program (SGE). Eligibility: This program is open to first-year JD, second-year JD, and LLM students. Students are required to have a minimum GPA of 2.670 to participate in the program. Students not meeting the GPA requirement may submit a petition to the Clinical Programs Director and should do so before applying. Externship Placements: Students extern fulltime in a private law firm for a period of 5-12 weeks. The firms tend to be small to medium-sized firms often with international clients. Interested students are strongly encouraged to submit a "Preliminary Inquiry “to learn more about their potential placements, as well as to contact Mary Sawicki at .

NOTE: Certain placements may have language requirements and some may be more competitive than others; additionally, some countries have visa requirements.

Academic Component and Requirements:

All students must attend a training prior to beginning their externships.

All students engaged in the externship for academic credit must complete a work log and journal throughout their placement stay, and a final paper about their experience.


10 credits (externship), 2 credits (seminar)

Open only to students in their final year with a minimum 3.200 GPA

The Semester in Practice Program is a highly selective full-time externship program. Students selected for the program will participate in a full-time externship program during one semester of their final year at the law school. No more than four students each semester will be selected.

Program Requirements

Eligible students must be in or entering their final year of law school, must have a minimum GPA of 3.200, and must complete a competitive application process.

Participating students may not be employed or volunteer at any other job (including pro bono service) for more than 20 hours per week while participating in the Semester in Practice Program. Students may not be engaged in employment which may present a conflict of interestwith the externship.

Students are strongly encouraged to take Professional Responsibility and, for litigation related placements, Evidence prior to enrolling in the Semester in Practice Program.


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