Registration Guide 2024-2025



3 credits (externship)

Credit for field placement work is received on a pass/fail basis

This externship program is specifically for Suffolk University Law students participating in Suffolk’s summer study abroad program at the National University of Ireland at Galway seeking to pursue an externship in Ireland for a period of 6-8 weeks following the study abroad program . Accordingly, students must apply (i) to the Galway study abroad program, in addition (ii) to this “plus” externship program. Eligibility: First and second year JD day students and second and third year evening JD students with a GPA of 2.670 and in academic good standing. Students with a lower GPA may submit a petition to participate in the program.

Approximate Dates: Ireland: Students arrive in mid-May for the Galway summer study program, which lasts for two weeks. Students then begin their externships for a period of 6-8 weeks.

Placements: Students work full-time under the supervision of an attorney in the placement organization. The externship placements will be predominantly in the public interest arena, including non-profits and government-related organizations. To the extent possible, our Galway affiliates will place students in organizations in Ireland corresponding with the students’ respective practice areas of interest.

Academic Credits: Externships are for three academic credits. One credit is earned for each 45 hours of legal work in the field. Credit for the field placement work is received on a pass/fail basis.

The three credits for the externship would be in addition to the three credits of coursework pursued as part of the Galway study abroad program. So students would complete six credits in total.

Academic Coursework: During the course of the externship, students will be required to complete weekly work logs and reflection papers, among other assignments.


3 credits (externship)

Credit for field placement work is received on a pass/fail basis

The ICLLP fellowship program is for second-year JD day students (and second- and third-year evening JD students) interested in international public interest practice and advocacy in the fields of human rights, environmental justice, international criminal law, among other areas. More specifically, the Fellowship Program offers students the opportunity to undertake summer fieldwork externing for an organization engaged in public interest law and advocacy. Prior to beginning their externship, students are required to complete an international law course related to the subject matter of their externship.


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