OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
during the exam. NONE! she is very high-minded and talks down to you when you ask a question. Does not really teach instead just goes in circles about the text. I think that Professor Burstein did a great job applying the textbook to the real world. It was incredibly helpful when she provided real-life documents and highlighted the parts that we were learning. Also, bringing in lawyers from the real-world was super helpful to getting some real life insight on what our careers may look like. I ' m appreciative of Professor Burstein for this! It has been the most intellectually challenging for me of all my courses which enhances development. Civ. Pro. is a core subject that crosses over into every other class in some regard, so learning it at the beginning of the year was helpful. However, the class environment was not the best for my type of learning. Professor badgered students who you could tell did not know the answer and while sometimes that is helpful to get students to learn, it happened way too often and took away from he class as there were students ready to answer and help, but she continued questioning the one student who did not know the answer. The class also, im guessing out of frustration, became rather blunt and harsh back in there questioning because the professor would not clearly answer questions. The answers always started with "yeahhhhh" whether they were right or wrong, which made it confusing to ascertain whether the comment or question was or was not on the right path. As the class became frustrated throughout the year, the professor also did and started to almost shutdown question answering, especially in the case of our mid term. Reinforced the importance of understanding procedure. Everyone needs to know the FRCP eventually! Also we spoke with several practicing lawyers to better understand the reality of practicing many fields of civil law. Prof. Burstein organized zoom meetings with legal professionals that were educational on classroom material and the legal profession at large. Aside from somewhat understanding PursJur, SMJ, and Venue, I feel like everything else has escaped me. We spent at least 6 weeks on PursJur and then 2 maybe 3 on SMJ just to spend a day or 2 on everything else. That was not enough time to get a good understanding of the material and there was no way to apply the concepts. Venue was only 1 or 2 days as well but at least we had some hypotheticals to apply what we learned in class. Including guest speakers was quite interesting, and I appreciated the opportunity to learn from practicing attorneys. I feel confident in my ability to understand and apply rules of civil procedure in my future legal work. I learned how to get the most out of the readings because the professionalism and expectations were vague at best.
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