OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
I was able to hone my case reading skills in a significant way. During the class, I learned how best to be deliberate about the reading of cases, paying careful attention to detail. Taking civ pro made me realize how much is truly required to even bring a case to court. As someone who used to work in a courthouse I ' m familiar with court proceedings, but I had no idea what all needs to get done before a case can even make it to those proceedings. Civ pro was not the class I was most passionate about, but I came to understand its role and respect its importance. The method of instruction helped me to read cases and think through the varying arguments presented. Civil Procedure has helped me gain a holistic view of the law and helped contextualize some of my other classes. The only positive things this taught me was how to seek outside sources to learn because the Professor did not teach this class well. I believe this class gave me the building blocks I will need to be successful in bringing action in any court. Definitely helped me to learn more about the process of civil procedure She clearly had a strong grasp on the material and her being able to answer almost all of our questions was beneficial I can say that this class benefitted me in not waiting to be given everything. It really forced me to look for resources myself and really try to understand this class on my own. It helped me become disciplined and more self reliable It was presented in a incorrect and overly complicated manner. I didn ' t know anything about Civil Procedure before this class, and now that I have a basic understanding of it, I actually find it really interesting and I have a lot of respect for it. I witnessed behavior that ultimately showed me how I do not want to act in a professional setting. Prior to the completion of course evaluations, Professor Burstein took time at the end of a class on November 29th, to tell a group, predominantly made up of women, that course evaluations are sexist and only prove to be beneficial to white men. She also said that ultimately because she has tenure that students opinions of her teaching style and class effectiveness are irrelevant. I feel that regardless of if these evaluations matter or not, Professor Burstein needs to improve her professional behavior and teaching abilities. Additionally, I felt that during Professor Burstein’s cold calls, she purposefully bullied the students that she called on with her outlandish questions that did not appear to be as relevant as she may have thought about the material.
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