OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations

I think because this is a lot of material to cover in a single semester, we had to cover a lot of material each class to stay on track. But sometimes, I felt that the textbook reading didn ' t cover the content in a logical way which made it really confusing and hard to follow. I didn ' t find the textbook to be helpful at all and found that my core understanding came from class lectures and quizzes. It was a bit discouraging to spend so much time on the homework for it to not be really as helpful as it should be. I ' m always on the fence about cold calls, but appreciate the option to let you know when we could not participate. Felt fair to me I think some of the readings could be streamlined, like how they were at the end of the semester. Other than that I was really impressed by Prof S and the many ways she encouraged participation, but was also lenient and understanding if not prepared one day. One aspect of the course that could be improved, of which Professor Scheuerman has already taken steps to improve upon our feedback, is slowing down the pace of the class and assigned less case readings to be prepared for one singular class. N/A. I think Professor Scheuerman has perfected the online experience based on my individual learning style. With competing obligations, etc. sometimes I didn ' t complete the "post class" hypo assignments before class. I honestly felt it was most helpful to just follow along in class to learn how to do them. some of the readings were a little repetitive NO IMPROVEMENT NEEDED, GREAT AS IS I believe the course instruction is great as it is. I recommend no changes. My only feedback here is that T&E is such a broad area of law that I almost think it should be split into two semesters. The interplay between different rules is something that Professor Scheuerman is working in to each class and hypo, and I know the pace of the class has to stay very high to cover all of the material. I just would like more practice either in class or not, to play with the interactions between different rules in hypo scenarios. Scheuerman already integrates a ton of hypos which are super helpful, but it ' s mainly to understand the new rule we are learning that class, and I think that is absolutely necessary. I know we will have some review towards the end, but I would like more building of rules on one another as we go. The workload at times felt a little heavy and we moved at a quick pace early in the semester. She slowed down after receiving feedback on this and it was really beneficial once that happened. We moved through class material really quickly but I understand its because there is so much to cover. Would be nice to move a but slower though. I thought that there was a lot of reading which was challenging at times between the two classes. I really liked the use of charts and diagrams, but would have loved to have access to them before class time to refer to them while reading and be better prepared for class.


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