OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
I think the pace of class was very fast, but I really appreciated the review classes as moments to stop and breathe. I would like some more lecturing before diving into polls, chats, etc. I am ambivalent about the amount of participation that comes with the class, sometimes it can be a lot to always be on, though there is certainly merit to this approach for an online class. I see the rationale and wouldn ' t necessarily change it. Some of the reading assignments were a little dense but I think the modified reading assignments appropriately addressed that. Nothing comes to mind! Prof. S. does a great job at keeping the class engaged online. Streamlining the readings could be helpful. Sometimes I felt I didn ' t process the longer readings well enough. I don ' t feel as though there are any aspects of the class that need to be improved. could go through slides a bit slower I honestly can ' t think of anything, it ' s a little nervewracking that the final is 90% of our grade but Prof. S has prepped us, and we had weekly quizzes to test our knowledge. I guess the only thing I would say is maybe the final could be 70% but that ' s something I think of in any class that ' s all final as it slightly diminishes the work you ' ve put in all year if you have a bad day for some reason. Professor S went way too fast during a number of classes that left students confused. During a mid point in the semester Professor S did take feedback and said she would go slower but did not slow down. Generally it was hard to grasp subjects because we moved so quickly through the material.I know there is a lot, but I think part of the problem was that the reading in the textbook did not seem to explain the concepts fully. It felt like a snapshot and not an explanation of concepts. Also when we would do breakout groups it would be helpful for the info on the rules to still be displayed on the screen because I wouldn ' t have enough time to write the content down before we would move on from it. Another option is posting slide sets before class which I think would help understanding by allowing students to make their notes in advance so they can focus on the class discussion and participate more because we wouldn ' t be as focused on making notes. None, everything was super organized! The pace of the course at the beginning of the semester was a little frantic, but it slowed down to a more reasonable pace when people voiced that concern to the professor. Honestly we went through the course at break-neck pace at times, and it ' s an overwhelming amount of material. I think we could read far fewer cases for sure... and focus on the details/go through it more slowly. I think the classes were more effective when we focused carefully on a couple cases (2-3) versus (4-7) a class. When we go through too many cases, they tend to lose their meaning/significance. I think we did too many hypos/break out rooms as well... I loved my break out room group but sometimes when we had to do so many hypos on our own (before we understood
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