OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
What aspect(s) of the course or instruction could be improved? I understand the cold calling but I think it would be nice to be given a schedule or something ahead of time with when we would be called on. These cases are complex and I found the cold calling more anxiety inducing Nothing! I think we may have had too much reading before some classes occasionally, but that also might just be me. The amount time that is required to be put into this course is significantly higher than what I have had to put into any other 4-credit class taken during my time at Suffolk. There were multiple weeks where I found myself rushing through the material just so I could have it completed in time. To be clear, it is not that the information in the readings were too difficult to understand, but rather it was the fact that I was not able to spend enough time with that material to really get a good understanding of it. The readings should be more precisely tailored to what exactly will be covered in class. There were many classes where topics that were discussed in the assigned reading were not discussed in class. I found that difficult because it could have allowed me to spend more time on the material that was going to discussed. I think Prof. S ' s perception of "OK you have ten seconds to answer this question" is on double speed. Or maybe I ' m just slow in the mornings. I would find it helpful if we had a version of the class power point ahead of time to be able to take notes on during class. Personal preference, but breakout rooms were used a little too often. I liked having them, but not as often as we did. However, I do not enjoy group work/small group discussions in general, but I did enjoy sticking with the same group all semester and thought this was effective in creating a good group work environment. Less material each class - felt rushed I think the reading sometimes could be more streamlined because at times it was hard to read everything in detail because there was so much and not enough time. This is my own bias, but I tend not to like too many zoom breakout rooms. I understand fully that Prof. S is trying to mimic in person interpersonal learning, but zoom rooms are undeniably awkward and often unproductive. Over the span of 20 minutes my group of extremely smart classmates would at maximum get through 2-3 problems, when I know full well Prof. S could have taught that material and then some in the same amount of time. I am not saying there ' s no time for breakout rooms, but it just doesn ' t seem like a good bang for buck in my opinion. At some points, certain aspects of topics were quickly taught before I personally had a chance to really understand them. At other points, useful complex charts were on other slides which would have been useful if available to us when doing examples. This should not take away from how effectively this course was taught.
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