OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
In what way(s) did this course benefit your professional or intellectual development? I do not plan on practicing in this area, but I do think it provides useful background information for a very important area of law. Also, it helped me a lot in providing a background for my eventual bar studying. Prof. S in almost every lecture discussed the doctrinal theory of T&E and the practical applications of T&E. Every time Prof. S discussed practice in this field, I felt that was incredibly helpful and relevant. Also, Prof. S is great at pointing out bar-tested topics. I know a lot of people take this class because it is a bar class and that ' s very helpful too! This is one topic I have heard horror stories about regarding bar prep. After taking Professor Scheuerman ' s course I feel much better about this area of my bar preparation. The connected quizzes helped gauge understanding and helped me review my notes, MUD cards were helpful, and class discussions were always effective. Breakout rooms was an effective way to convey what you learned in a smaller group and work through issues I feel like I ' ve learned a lot of information in a little amount of time, but it is extremely effective. I am going to be practicing tax law in the accounting setting soon, but there is a good chance that at some point in my tax law career I will be working with estate planning. Though we consciously avoided the tax chapters because of how distracting tax planning can get when you ' re trying to cover the basics, this class is still useful for what I will be doing for work. If nothing else, the class requires careful reading, parsing of jargon, and critical thinking on par with that which is required when reading the IRC. In that way, this class is helpful for me, even if I never do estate planning. The information will be very useful for Bar Prep and my future career. It helped me to prepare for the bar examination as this is a bar tested course. I liked that beyond learning for the sake of an exam, Prof S would consistently point out practice tips and extra reading for those who are interested in practicing in this area. Going into the semester, Professor Scheuerman took the time to meet with every student individually, as a "meet and greet." During this meeting, I expressed my tendency of being shy and perhaps not participating as much as I would like due to a sense of nervousness in class. However, Professor Scheuerman ' s classroom environment provided me with the comfort and confidence to frequently participate that I have now carried into other classes. Gave me core understanding on the topic for bar preparation while additionally understanding the practical application of material. I did not realize the importance of making a will and the benefits of creating trusts before this class. taught trust and estates (good for bar and working in property)
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