OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations

This course provides student with an abundance of knowledge to benefit our day-to-day tasks in the professional field. As future attorneys, there are various occasions where we are held to a fiduciary standard. The fiduciary practices taught, whether or not engaged in trusts & states directly, allow us to keep an open mind and ask the proper questions to prospective clients or other third parties. Professor Scheuerman took initiative in expanding these concepts into every day practice and and proper analysis of a situation in real time. Moreover, Professor Scheuerman made substantial efforts in explaining differences in jurisdictions for students who are from or wish to practice in different states, and to keep in mind when certain procedures and acts may not be good practice that area. Needless to say, this course has taught us to stay on our toes when it comes to solving simple or complex issues when it comes to clients, statutory interpretation, or crafting arguments. I appreciate how Professor Scheuerman frequently integrated practical considerations into class content and discussions; from strategies to meet the unique needs or requests from potential clients to professional responsibility considerations. T&E is a bar class so I guess intellectually from a preparation-standpoint. good to know for the bar and life in general This class will be helpful for me in taking the bar exam. I think the class also provided me with a lot of useful knowledge when it comes time for my own estate planning. I have a very deep understanding of T&E that will stay with me even though I will not practice in this area. I took this class mostly for bar prep, three years of law school would be pretty silly if I can get licensed to work a job. That said the professor does a good job on touching on interesting issues as it relates to trusts and estates and how they will impact practice or just our personal lives. Helped prepare me for bar exam I have learned a new tool to review for my courses. I feel that it provided me with a solid foundation of knowledge on trusts, estates, and testamentary succession. multiple choice hypos allowed me to critically think about questions and really test my understanding I just started a job in Wills, Trusts & Estates, however it also makes me feel so much more prepared for the BAR because there is so many nuances and Prof S. made those nuances so clear and everyone week we were all allowed to submit questions which she would address in class which helped clarify so many little confusions. This class challenged me to think about the future of trust and estates law. In addition to teaching substantive material that will be relevant for the bar exam, Professor Scheuerman also emphasized information that will be useful in trusts & estates practice,


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