OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
in this course. This course consisted of lectures, breakout room discussions with other classmates, and opportunities to test our understanding of material in class, using the Zoom poll feature, and outside of class via quizzes throughout the semester. Having this variety in every meeting made this online course very engaging. I appreciated the recursive nature of the course, that the professor was always checking in to make sure that people were understanding, and reviewing issues from the previous class that people struggled with. Prof. S was incredibly thorough and detailed with her lectures/slides. While the cold-call method is not my favorite, it did ultimately force me to come to class more prepared/enhanced my learning. Prof. S has very detailed slides, which I appreciated as well (more so than most of my other professors). I loved the interactive portions. It definitely helped me deeply understand the concepts. Though I usually wouldn ' t say I liked break-out rooms, I loved them to review answers with my peers.
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