OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
The Professor did a great job of making herself available and clarified any aspect that was unclear to students. group work and polling The opportunity to write mud cards to ask questions was very helpful. The use of hypos and polls in class also helped in understanding the material. The slides were very helpful and I really liked the variety of chat options, quizzes, polls and breakout rooms to test knowledge. Professor Scheuerman was very engaging during class and did a lot of interactive hypos and chat responses, as well as break out rooms, that kept my attention. I think the professor does a good job speeding up or slowing down the class as needed in order to ensure that the material is understood. She presents the material in an organized way and certainly has an eye for bar prep and what may be important to know for practitioners. She has the right personality to lead an online class on a Monday morning. I appreciated how engaging you kept the course by utilizing multiple ways to interact. Online polls, breakout rooms, and answering in the chat all helped to keep me focused on class and really learn the material. Hypothetical questions were extremely helpful as well as the detailed powerpoints Fully utilizing the tools zoom gives was very beneficial. Professor Scheuerman is one of the best professors I have ever had. Her strategy of teaching and review is extremely effective. She accurately gives us the information and skills that we need to succeed. I was a little nervous about taking a completely online class because my first year was entirely online and I didn ' t think it was effective for my learning, however, Professor Scheuerman is engaging and creates a comfortable environment for participation and attention. I liked the frequent use of breakout rooms that Professor Scheuerman employed since it allowed for a chance to confer with classmates and talk through the reasoning behind certain hypos or concepts that could, at times, be confusing. break out rooms and hypos were very effective. Prof S. is incredible, she ' s so engaging, so clear and thorough, the material was dense but she presents it so clearly, my entire study group loved her and that is not common. I would happily take any class with Prof S. It was honestly just an amazing class. I would recommend her as a professor to all of my friends. Professor S facilitated a engaging learning environment. The quizzes, case review, and review classes enhanced my learning most. I particularly liked all interactive Professor S made her powerpoint. I liked the use of polls and how we could pick who was in our breakout group. Power Points! I really appreciated the variety in the types of instruction that Professor Scheuerman implemented
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