2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide
• Under no circumstances should a proctor at any time come in physical contact with a student. If observation involves use of unauthorized material the proctor must remove and retain any unauthorized material found in the student’s posses sion. The student should then be allowed to continue the examination. • Immediately write a full incident report in clear and concise language on the Proctor Report sheet providing the following information:
Course Student’s Name
Student’s Examination Number Detailed report of incident (including names of witnesses if any) Proctor’s signature
Submit the incident report to the Office of Academic Services at the conclusion of the examination.
19. NO STUDENTS, INCLUDING THOSE WHO HAVE COMPLETED THE EXAMINATION, WILL BE ALLOWED TO CHECK OUT OR LEAVE THE ROOM DURING THE LAST TEN MINUTES OF THE EXAMINATION. 20. Once the proctor announces that the examination has ended, all remaining students must stop writing OR typing and remain seated. The proctor will then inform the students when they may approach the desk to submit their examination material. 21. Students who used Examplify must upload their examination file. Under “Exam Controls” students should choose “Submit Exam” and allow the laptop to completely rebo ot. The exam will automatically upload – students must wait for confirmation. They must complete a successful upload before leaving the examination room. 22. Upon completion of the examination and checking out of student by the proctor the student shall immediately depart the examination area and shall not return until the examination process has been completed by the proctor and the room is cleared of all examinees. 23. All students must return the examination questions, the examination answer book and supplementary writing materials, handouts, answer sheets, signed academic integrity statement on back of examination cards, and all examination materials distributed during the examination. Proctors must make sure at check out that all exams, scantrons etc. are returned. Please do not staple scantrons to the exams – place them inside front cover. STUDENTS SHALL NOT REMOVE ANY EXAMINATION MATERIAL OF ANY KIND FROM THE EXAMINATION ROOM. 24. It is the student’s responsibility to see that the examination materials are recorde d by the proctor and if using Examplify that their exam uploaded. It is the proctor’s responsibility to record the receipt of all examination materials previously issued to the student. 25. ALL USED AND UNUSED EXAMINATION MATERIALS MUST BE ACCOUNTED FOR AND RETURNED TO THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC SERVICES AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE EXAMINATION.
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