2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide
General Rules for all Exams
1. All students are subject to Suffolk University Law School’s Examination Regulations. 2. All students are responsible for ensuring they have the adequate exam-taking technology and the up-to-date version of all required exam-taking software. All instructions for new and returning Examplify users must be followed. 3. Any attempt to bypass or disable the security features of the Examplify software will subject the student to disciplinary action as described in Rule XI. Suffolk University Law School Rules and Regulations. In addition, any attempt to launch, copy, move, or delete a download exam file prior to starting the exam will cause the file to be disabled. 4. The Law School is not responsible for any computer hardware/software problems that may arise, or any damage which may occur to student property, by downloading and using the exam-taking software. 5. Students are expected to be on time for examinations. Any student who is unable to start an exam on time, due to transportation problems or other extenuating circumstances should contact the Dean of Students. Only the Dean of Students may permit the student to begin the examination at a later time with the full time allocation. 6. There shall be no materials of any kind in the examination area during CLOSED BOOK examinations. Students taking LIMITED OPEN BOOK examinations will be allowed to bring in only those materials specifically authorized by the professor. Only printed, hard-copy materials are permissible in a limited open book exam. For limited open book exams, digital texts or materials will not be permitted; therefore students who have purchased digital texts should plan accordingly. 7. During exams, students should not wear caps, hats or hoods, except for religious or medical need. 8. No student is permitted to bring any non-medical electronic devices in to the examination room or to have such devices within the area of a remote-proctored exam. This includes cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, iPads, E Readers, handheld devices, calculators (unless permitted in a specific exam), cameras, radios, tape recorders, headphones/headsets, wireless email devices or any other non-medical electronic device. 9. Since the examination process is anonymous, students shall not identify themselves to the professor in any manner whatsoever in their exam answers or via any other exam material. 10. Until grades are posted, students shall refrain from contacting their professor with any information that could identify their exam to the professor (this includes alerting a professor that the student will be taking a rescheduled exam.) 11. When a student completes the examination, the student must sign the Academic Integrity Statement. 12. In the unlikely and rare circumstance that a student believes that all or a portion of an exam answer that the student believes to have properly typed during the examination while using Examplify is missing or the student believes that a technology matter caused the Examplify program to cease working during a remote-proctored exam, the law school will investigate and resolve the matter in accordance with the Process For Investigating and Resolving Claims of Missing Exam Text or Technology Failure During Remote Exam. In other rare circumstances where a student is unable to complete an exam they have started, the Exam Interruption Policy will apply. Rules for Remote-proctored Exams 1. All students must complete a Mock Exam at least two days before their first scheduled exam of the exam period. This is the opportunity to ensure that Examplify is operating correctly in the remote environment. By completing the mock exam process, there will be time to identify and resolve issues prior to the date of the actual midterm or final examination. 2. Students may have access to beverages in clear containers only. For remote proctored exams taken in private locations, food or food related products (i.e. gum, candy, mints) are permitted but must not be in packaging (or should be in a clear container. 3. Students in remote-proctored exams may take quick breaks as necessary. Students taking a quick break, must say out loud that this what they are doing. This will help in excluding the quick break from any consideration of irregularities. 4. Remote exam takers who experience a technical problem with Examplify, should contact the ExamTaker Support Line: 866-429-8889 or 954-429-8889. If the issue is not resolved by contacting Examplify, remote exam takers should contact the Assistant Dean of Academic Services ( lcove@suffolk.edu , 617-573-8160) or the Dean of Students Office ( LawDeanOfStudents@suffolk.edu , 617-573-8157) 5. Hard copy scrap paper is not permitted unless specifically allowed by the professor in the course examination instructions. Otherwise, students may use the virtual notes feature in Examplify to make in-exam notes.
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