2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide
10. If the exam contains a multiple choice component, students will enter their answers on ExamSoft.
11. Once the proctor has announced that the examination has commenced, no student shall speak or communicate in any way with another student. Students shall not communicate with each other until after they have left the examination room at the conclusion of the examination. 12. Should a student arrive late they can take the exam if they agree to no extra time (their exam ends when the others do). Enter this on the proctor report and have the student sign. If they want their full time have them report to the Dean of Students Office on the 4 th floor. 13. Proctors should be circulating throughout the classroom, spot-checking the students and materials, being sure to walk from back to front. Proctors are asked to refrain from using laptops, eating, talking with fellow proctors about non-related exam issues etc. while proctoring an exam. 14. If students using Examplify have a technical problem during the exam, do not attempt to troubleshoot – they should notify you by raising their hand. Please page a technician for assistance, and immediately provide the student with a handwriting book. If the IT Support technician is unable to resolve the issue, the student must handwrite the remainder of the examination. IT Support will not be able to troubleshoot a student’s computer more than once. No additional time will be provided to any student for technical issues. Technical support is not available prior to the start of the exam. 15. In the event that a student handwriting the exam requires additional writing material, the proctor must first determine that all available space has been used in the examination answer book before additional material will be issued. If the proctor determines that supplemental materials should be issued, the proctor must indicate on the cover of the supplementary material the following:
Examination # Time Issued
:___________________________ :___________________________ :___________________________ :___________________________
Proctor Signature
The proctor must also record the issuance of supplementary material on the proctor report.
16. Students shall not remove any pages or portions thereof from the examination question, the examination answer book, or from any supplementary materials handed out by the proctor. Students should use the available space on the examination or in the examination answer book for outlining. 17. Students shall not leave the room during the examination without prior permission of the proctor. Only ONE student is permitted to leave the examination room at a time. The student must give all of his or her examination materials to the proctor upon leaving the room. The materials will be returned by the proctor to the student upon reentering the examination room. Proctors must sign the student out and in on the sheet provided and note times. Students may leave the examination room, with proctor permission, only to use the restroom on the same floor as the examination room. Students are not permitted to visit any other areas for any other reason during the examination.
18. If you have any reason to believe that a student is violating the examination rules during the exam:
• Closely observe the student until you are convinced that such is the case. If there is more than one proctor in the room, ask the other proctor/s to confirm.
• Do not stop the student from completing the exam.
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