2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide
Examination Rules for Proctors
1. Proctors are required to be at the Office of Academic Services at least 45 minutes prior to the starting time of each examination. 2. All examination rooms must be completely vacated one half hour prior to the scheduled time for the examination. Thereafter, students may only enter the examination room when the proctor so indicates and upon the presentation of proper identification. Students should be made aware that once they have checked in they are not allowed to leave the room for restroom purposes, to retrieve power cords etc. 3. Upon entering the examination room each student must present his/her student identification card to the proctor. Students who will be handwriting the exam should be given a sealed examination answer book. The examination answer book must remain sealed until the proctor announces the commencement of the examination. 4. There shall be no materials of any kind in the examination area during CLOSED BOOK examinations. Students taking LIMITED OPEN BOOK examinations will be allowed to bring in only those materials specifically authorized by the professor and materials must be reviewed at check in by the proctor. All materials brought into the examination will, in fairness to all, be subject to inspection, and students who are deemed to have violated the terms of the limited open book allowance will have the material in question taken away and will not be able to refer to it during the examination. An OPEN BOOK examination is one in which the examinee may bring in any materials without limitation in to the examination area. 5. Students must leave their personal belongings in the front of the examination room in the area designated by the proctor. Students may not return to their personal belongings during the examination, except under the direct supervision of the proctor. 6. No student is permitted to bring any non-medical device in to the examination room including cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, iPads, E-Readers, handheld devices, calculators (unless permitted), cameras, radios, tape recorders, headphones/headsets, wireless email devices or any other non-medical electronic device. All non-medical electronic devices must be brought to the proctor. All audio alarms on watches must be disabled. 7. Students are instructed in advance of how to set up Examplify. They should be ready 15 minutes before the exam begins. • Students without a power cable may NOT type their examination. Please make sure that their power cord is plugged in to an outlet and that their computer is using power from this source and not from their battery. • All students must be ready to begin the exam at the scheduled time. Technical support for troubleshooting at the start of the exam will not be available. If students are unable to download their examination file they will need to handwrite the exam. • Students using Examplify should navigate to the screen with the stop sign. Students MAY NOT click “Start Exam” until instructed to do so.
8. Each student’s identification card must be visible during the course of the examination.
9. The proctor should place the examination face down in front of each student.
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