2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide

Emergency Procedure

In the event of an emergency an evacuation signal will sound. All proctors and students must evacuate the building immediately. • Exam materials should be left in the examination room, including laptops. Students who remove laptops from the exam room will need to handwrite the remaining portion of the examination. • When exiting the building, use sidewalks and walk away from the building to allow for access by the Boston Fire Department and emergency personnel. • Go to the designated assembly area located on Bosworth Street, at the corner with Chapman Place (this is the area between the Beantown Pub and the Nine-Zero Hotel). • No individual may re-enter the building until the Boston Fire department or other emergency personnel have given the all clear. Seizure Protocol In the event that a student suffers a seizure during an exam please call Security (3070) and OAS (8160) and then make sure the student is safe. Some helpful tips are: • Use the closest available exit stairwell to exit the building. Do NOT use elevators. • Students are not permitted to discuss the examination. Await further instructions.

• Give the student room. Keep other people back.

• Clear hard or sharp objects, like glasses and furniture, away from the immediate area.

• Cushion the student’s head.

• Don't try to hold the student down or stop their movements.

• Don't put anything in the student’s mouth. Contrary to popular myth, you can't swallow your tongue during a seizure. But putting something in the mouth could damage teeth, or the student might bite you.

• Remember, this probably isn't an emergency, although it may look like one.

• The seizure is typically not long-lasting. After the jerking stops, gently place them on their side, to help keep their airway clear.

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