Suffolk Law - 2019 AJD New Student Information Guide
Public Safety
Suffolk University is protected and served by its own University police force, which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. For general business, please call extension 8333 on campus; for emergencies call extension 8111. The main office is located in the Donahue Building on the first floor. At the Law School, security offices are located in both the lobby and the basement of 120 Tremont Street.
Walking Escort Service
The Suffolk University Police will provide a walking escort to all members of the Suffolk University Community upon request. The department will provide this walking escort service seven days a week, starting at dusk and ending at 11:30 p.m. Exceptions to these hours of operation will be made only when the Suffolk Law School Library has extended hours of operation during exam periods. A Suffolk University police and/or security officer will provide walking escorts to and from any building owned, used, or occupied by Suffolk. Campus escorts are also available from any campus building to the entrance of the Park Street MBTA station, Charles River Parking Garage, Staniford Street Parking Garage, Center Plaza Parking Garage, and Government Center MBTA station. To request a walking escort, call in advance, 617-573-8333, or send a request via the LiveSafe application, and a uniformed officer will meet you at a designated location. LiveSafe is available to any community member free of charge and may be downloaded at the AppStore and Google Play A Suffolk University Police Officer will make every effort to accommodate your request; however, there may be times when this service may be delayed because of other duties. During these instances we ask for your patience and understanding. Those persons who remain at the University beyond 11:30 pm are encouraged to call a cab or make arrangements for their own transportation.
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