Suffolk Law - 2019 AJD New Student Information Guide
Deadline is May 17 2019
All Full-Time students, and all International students, are required by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to submit certain immunization records to Suffolk University upon registration . Please see Student Health Requirements for the deadline date applicable to you for submission of immunization requirements to Counseling, Health & Wellness (CHW).
Follow these instructions to complete your Immunization Requirements:
1) Review the Required Immunization Form for a list of required immunizations and acceptable alternatives (i.e. titer results).
2) Have a licensed health provider complete the Required Immunization Form or obtain documentation (medical records) of each immunization you received or acceptable alternative. Scan or take a photo of your documentation which must be submitted electronically via the patient portal (see step 3) and reviewed by CHW staff. 3) Log into CHW’s secure Student Health Portal using your Suffolk login credentials (same as your Suffolk email login name/password) and follow the instructions to input your immunization history and upload the required documentation.
Failure to comply with Immunization Requirements will result in a hold on your future course registration.
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