Student Exam and Grading Guide 2022-2023
Emergencies on Exam Day
Inclement Weather Delay
In the event that weather or other emergency conditions warrant the closing, delayed start, or early closure of the University, announcements will be made via the University Emergency Messaging System, RAVE, and posted on the University website. Suffolk University students are required to submit (or confirm) current emergency contact information each semester, and when such information changes. This will ensure that the University has current and accurate information in the unfortunate event of a student or campus emergency. Contact information provided will be recorded in Rave, the Unive rsity’s emergency notification system. In the event of an emergency on campus, or a school closing due to weather or other event, you will be notified via one or all of the following ways, depending on the event and the information you have provided: home phone, cell phone, text message, and email.
It is the students’ responsibility to maintain accurate and up-to-date contact information with the University .
Late Arrival
Students are expected to be on time for examinations and arrive 30 minutes before the starting time of the exam. Any student who arrives after the start time of the examination, due to transportation problems or other extenuating circumstances, should report to the Dean of Students. Under extraordinary circumstances only the Dean of Students may permit the student to begin the examination at a later time with the full time allocation. Any student who arrives to the examination room after the starting time of the examination (without approval of the Dean of Students) will not be permitted any additional time to complete the examination. Examplify users who arrive late to an examination will be required to handwrite the examination.
Exam Interruption
This policy applies to situations in which a student begins, but does not complete, an examination.
The Law School encourages students who are ill or experiencing an extraordinary personal situation to seek assistance from the Dean of Students Office before an examination begins. In addition, students with pre- existing conditions, illnesses, or situations that could cause an unexpected interruption during examinations should discuss the situation with the Dean of Students Office before the examination period. If an incident occurs during the examination, the student must notify the proctor immediately. The proctor will then refer the student to a Law School administrator. A student in this situation must identify himself/herself before the examination ends, as accommodations cannot be made after the fact for illness during an examination. If the student, after consulting with the Assistant Dean for Academic Services and/or the Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students, is unable to complete an exam due to a medical or mental health issue, then he/she must report immediately to Health Services, his/her private physician or the Emergency Room at a hospital. The University Police, Academic Services Office and Dean of Students Office can assist with transportation to a local Emergency Room. It is important to note that a contemporaneous and comprehensive, professional
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