Student Exam and Grading Guide 2022-2023
Academic Integrity
Any violation of academic integrity shall be viewed as a serious infraction of the Rules and Regulations of the Law School. Violations of academic integrity shall include, but are not limited to, dishonesty in the examination process and plagiarism in written work. Plagiarism is the representation of the language, ideas or format of another as one’s own in any writing submitted for academic purposes. Use of the work of another without proper attribution constitutes plagiarism whether or not the writer acts with intent to mislead or deceive. However, such intent, or the lack of it, may be considered in determining the proper sanction if a violation is established. The presumptive sanction for a deliberate act of plagiarism is suspension or dismissal from the Law School. Please ensure that you have read the Academic Integrity regulations (II.F). Students are responsible for compliance with these requirements. The regulations apply to all work submitted by a student for any course or school-related activity.
Academic Integrity Statement
At the end of the examination each student must sign the Academic Integrity Statement on the back of the examination card.
Students must return the examination card along with the examination questions, the examination answer book and any supplementary writing materials, handouts, scantron sheets, and all materials distributed during the examination to the proctor.
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