Student Exam & Grading Guide 2018-2019
Examination Regulations 1. All examination rooms must be completely vacated one half hour prior to the scheduled time for the examination. Thereafter, students may only enter the examination room when the proctor so indicates. Students who enter the room prior to the proctor’s arrival to the examination will be asked to vacate the room. All students must be checked into the examination room. Students are expected to be on time for examinations and arrive 30 minutes before the starting time of the exam. Any student who arrives after the start time of the examination, due to transportation problems or other extenuating circumstances should report to the Dean of Students. Only the Dean of Students may permit the student to begin the examination at a later time with the full time allocation. Any student who arrives to the examination room after the starting time of the examination (without approval of the Dean of Students) will not be permitted any additional time to complete the examination. Students who arrive late to an ExamSoft room will be required to handwrite the examination. 2. There shall be no materials of any kind in the examination area during CLOSED BOOK examinations. Students taking LIMITED OPEN BOOK examinations will be allowed to bring in only those materials specifically authorized by the professor. Students must leave their personal belongings including hats, caps or hoods in the front of the room in the area designated by the proctor. Students may not return to their personal belongings while the examination is in process, except under the direct supervision of the proctor. Students are strongly encouraged not to bring any non-examination materials (other than personal items) into the examination room for a closed book/limited open book examination. Students who remove articles of clothing like sweaters or jackets during the examination must place these items under the desk. Students will not be permitted to leave these articles on writing surfaces or on the backs or seats of chairs. No student is permitted to bring any non-medical electronic devices in to the examination room including cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, iPads, E-Readers, handheld devices, calculators (unless permitted), cameras, radios, tape recorders, headphones/headsets, wireless email devices or any other non- medical electronic device. All non-medical electronic devices must be brought to the proctor. All audio alarms on watches must be disabled. 3. UPON ENTERING THE EXAMINATION ROOM, EACH STUDENT MUST PRESENT HIS OR HER STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARD TO THE PROCTOR IN ORDER TO RECEIVE HIS OR HER SEALED EXAMINATION ANSWER BOOK. THE EXAMINATION ANSWER BOOK MUST REMAIN SEALED UNTIL THE PROCTOR ANNOUNCES THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION. WRITING ON THE EXAMINATION ANSWER BOOKLET PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION IS NOT PERMITTED. 4. Each student's identification card must be visible during the course of the examination. 5. Students will receive only one examination answer book, and will be required to fully complete the assigned book before requesting supplemental writing material. Students will not be allowed additional writing material for outlining purposes. Students should use the available space on the examination or in the examination answer book for outlining. The proctor must determine that all available space has been used in the assigned examination book before additional material will be issued. 6. a. Since the examination process is anonymous, students shall not identify themselves to the Professor in any manner whatsoever in the examination book.
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