Student Exam & Grading Guide 2018-2019
Class Rank
A student’s class rank is determined on the basis of his or her weighted average, which is cumulated after the first year. Official class ranks are compiled only at the close of each academic year. However, unofficial class ranks are compiled after the first semester for upper class students. Unofficial class ranks are not compiled for first-year students after the Fall semester. Only official class ranks may be recorded on a transcript.
Official class rank will be posted to the transcript at the student’s request. First-year students have the option of posting their section rank.
A first year student receiving fewer than 25 credit hours in the day division or fewer than 16 credit hours in the evening division will not receive a class rank. Without a class rank a student may not be eligible for certain honors including but not limited to some scholarships and honor board competitions.
Dean’s List
The dean’s list is an annual honor designation for students placing in the top 33%, solely for that academic year, of (i) the first year student body, or (ii) the upper-class student body, as the case may be. Those students who qualify for the Dean’s List will be determined annually, after completion of the spring term, by the Assistant Dean for Academic Services and the Academic Associate Deans using the grades from the year just completed. The Dean’s List will be announced shortly after grades for the spring term are posted. No changes will be made to the Dean’s List G.P.A. once it has been determined.
Jurisprudence Awards
The Jurisprudence Award is designated to a student who has earned an A in a class that qualifies for a Jurisprudence Award (see list below) and who, in the faculty member’s judgment, has submitted the best exam or paper in that course for that term. Student selection will be by examination number for those courses which have examinations or by student name if grades are entered non-anonymously.
Administrative Law
Criminal Law
Energy, Natural Resources
Banking Law
Environmental Law
Basic Federal Income Tax
Business Entity Fundamentals
Labor Law
Civil Procedure
Professional Responsibility
Commercial Law Paper
Commercial Law Sales
Securities Regulations
Commercial Law Survey
Secured Transactions
Constitutional Law
Students who receive a Jurisprudence Award will be sent a congratulatory letter from the Dean along with a certificate. Jurisprudence Awards are posted to the transcript.
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