Spring 2022 Course Evaluations
In what way(s) did this course benefit your professional or intellectual development?
i learned the structure of the federal income tax system when spot tax issues working in the transactional sector Established a basic understanding of federal income tax I have learned valuable information in this course that I can use in my professional and personal life. This class helped me understand the structure of the federal income tax code. This is very useful as income tax is applicable to everyone who makes income. - I am interested in a career in tax and so this course greatly benefitted me. Very useful class for my career and in my life in general. It really helped understand basic federal income tax and what goes into calculating it. Basic federal income tax is an incredibly useful course that I believe all students should take prior to entering the legal field. I was a bit intimidated by this subject at first, but I am very excited to take more tax classes. I may very well be assisting clients with some of these matters. Basic income tax affects everyone, and it’s wild how little I knew about them prior to this class.
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