Spring 2022 Course Evaluations
What aspect(s) of the course or instruction could be improved?
None. I liked the setting of it and how I was able to learn in that class without being overly stressed. more examples of some of the assignments I understand this is the first session of the course for Prof. Carroll but it would have been helpful to receive the materials for class assignments earlier. A lot of us work and need to prepare well ahead of class time. I can’t think of anything in particular; I really appreciated that Ben prepped topics and PowerPoints but also that he was willing and often did go off script and conduct classes based on what we actually wanted to know. It was exactly what I was hoping this class would be like. The syllabus was unclear and sometimes assignment deadlines came up quickly. I think providing clearer communication and due dates in the syllabus would help the course. Professor Carroll was very open with the fact that this was his first year with this course. I believe there was some re-working of the course and assignments through the course as we accounted for meeting time throughout the semester. As this class continues I believe that Professor Carroll will be able to have a better idea of how much we could reasonably accomplish per class and per semester. I will note that when it was clear that we as a class were behind the syllabus, Professor Carroll was very good at altering work and assignments to relieve stress on the students rather than forcing more out of class work to accommodate for certain topics taking longer than given time in the syllabus.
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