Registration Guide 2024-2025
Race, Equity and Law Requirement Race, Equity and Law (REAL Requirement)
All students who entered in 2022 or later must complete one course from the Race, Equity and Law (REAL) menu. This list is not all inclusive and additional courses may be added to this menu:
Credits 2 credits 2 credits 3 credits 2 credits 3 credits 3 credits 2 credits 2 credits 2 credits 2 credits 3 credits 2 credits 3 credits 3 credits 2 credits 3 credits 3 credits 2 credits 2 credits 2 credits 2 credits 2 credits 2 credits 2 credits
Access to Justice
Advanced Immigration Law
Advanced Topics in Constitutional Law: Race, Equal Protection and Due Process
Asian Americans and the Law Children and Disability Law
Civil Disobedience
Civil Rights Litigation: Police Misconduct
Critical Race Theory
Diversity/Inclusion and the Legal Profession Education Equality and the Law Employment Discrimination Federal Indian Law and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the U.S.
Housing Discrimination Human Rights Project
Human Rights Protection in Europe
Human Rights Survey
Immigration Law
Intro. To Islamic Law IP and Social Justice
Lawyers as Inclusive Leaders
Mass Incarceration
Race and American Law
Race, Ethical AI, Cyber Civil Rights
Race, Gender, and the Law
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