OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations

What aspect(s) of the course or instruction could be improved? I wish there was more hands on instruction. I wish we learned how to do more legal tech. The one thing I wish might have been different was the amount of tangible skills we learned. While the guest speakers were amazing, once it came time to do the final project, I felt a bit overwhelmed because we had not learned how to use many tech tools. If we even had 1-2 classes reserved to our final project, or a demo of sorts for different tech tools, it would have been that much more helpful in preparing to execute our final project, which we will be graded on. N/A Prof. Teninbaum was great None. I feel nothing can be improved about this course or about Professor Teninbaum. There is nothing I would change about this course, I think it ' s perfect as is.


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