OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations

Below are the responses to the three open-ended questions asked regarding the instructor and the course. Please note, student responses have not been edited in any way. Blank pages indicate no response for that question. What aspect(s) of the course or instruction enhanced your learning? It really gave me a new inside look into the legal tech world. I still feel I am far behind my classmates in understanding this topic, but this was a great class to begin. the hands on issues at the start of the semester I loved this class! It was such a compelling and interesting experience which helped me "think outside the box" regarding future job opportunities and where I want my career to go and how I want it to evolve. As a 3L, this was the perfect chance to really think about the transition that is to come post-graduation and how I can take charge of my career rather than simply let it "happen to me." Moreover, it showed me how important being aware of technological solutions and thinking along the lines of changing technology is in our day in age. Professor Teninbaum is such a fantastic professor and resource. He made himself constantly available to us and was super friendly and encouraging. I am so glad I took this course. This was one of the most eye opening classes I have taken throughout my time here at Suffolk Law School. Typically as a student, I find myself lost in a subject and more worried about studying to receive a high grade than effectively engaging in a subject. This course, thanks to Professor Teninbaum has opened my eyes to career paths that I never knew were available and has clarified my interest in technology and the law. Presentations from industry professionals were really helpful to understanding the wide-range of non-traditional legal careers. One of my favorite classes. Guest speakers were very interesting. Professor Teninbaum brought this course to life through his enthusiasm for the subject and through guest speakers. This deepened my knowledge of the topics we discussed. The class preparation

before and the journal entries also helped engross me in the various issues we covered. Finally, the final project was a fun and enjoyable opportunity to actively use the things we learned in class. I always appreciate real-world ties to the material we learn, and this class exemplified how to do that well.


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