OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations

In what way(s) did this course benefit your professional or intellectual development? The material was delivered inefficiently, confusing, and uselessly so I had to learn basically all of it by myself or the teaching assistant. She really makes you think about the answers to questions asked because she never directly answers anything so you have to be self-sufficient and figure it out on your own. Professor Burstein provided some interesting guest speakers and showed us real world examples of complaints. Procedure is very interesting, and I understand how critical it is in litigation and how it benefits good lawyering Nothing I learned from professor Burstein has enhanced my professional or intellectual development. I learned about several important facets to the system of law. I learned how to teach myself material and review it by myself. Preparedness for the bar It allowed me to understand how lawyers decide which court to suit in and the critical thinking skills to identify how to defend the case on procedural grounds The guest speaker classes, though unrelated to our course content, were interesting and provided insight into the practice of law at big law firms. I do not understand the relevance of these speakers to the course material as they would have made excellent optional panels, but they were stimulating nonetheless. My issue with so many of those classes is that all other sections were using their class time on learning the course materials, and we did not get the same amount of class instruction time. I learned to perserve through difficult situations and work with different people. This class benefitted my professional development because I was left to communicate with more students that I likely never would have met, sharing the same confusion about the course. I think that I definitely learned some things about civil procedure but not nearly as much as I would have liked. Independent research skills outside of class I learned how to work with outside resources, because the ones available through the instructor were immensely unhelpful. I made connections with my peers because we all were absolutely baffled by the explanations and lessons we received. I believe I am now at a disadvantage professionally, and will absolutely need to reteach myself, or have outside resources assistance in relearning, all of the material. The course itself helped me to learn the rules of civil procedure. I learned how to effectively teach myself the material. It taught me to self-teach myself, as the classroom time really didn ' t do much to help me understand the material. It made me rely more on my colleagues and office hours with the TA. It influenced me to seek help on


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