OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations

some students dislike "cold-calls" I appreciated that she did them in an online environment. This made me come to each class fully prepared and ready to engage if called on. I also liked that she requested all student to keep cameras on, she was able to gauge how students were responding to learning and would further explain or provide a break based on student reactions during class. She had a great intro each class and explained material thoroughly. In my opinion, she has the ideal personality for online instruction (or any instruction) and provided me with the best experience I ' ve ever had in an online format. If I wasn ' t graduating, I would take any class she offered online or in-person and will recommend her to others. one of the best online/remote instructors I have ever had, and I took my entire 1L year online Professor Scheuerman is a great instructor who clearly cares about her students and our mental health. She presents information in a very organized manner, finds creative ways to make the class a little more fun, and her use of technology (waterfall chats, MUD cards, QR codes, poll questions) is excellent (she really should be training other professors about these strategies!). I also thought the course itself was well organized, the syllabus was clear and did not change. Professor Scheuerman is a great professor and I appreciated her effort in this class to help us learn and be engaged. 10/10. Zoom and distance learning are bullshit. 0/10. Thanks for a great semester! I won ' t be forgetting the material, and I feel prepared to re-study this as review for the bar. I would just highly recommend the professor (and have) to fellow students. I took the course as it is semi-required as law school curriculum, but I think she certainly does a good job to elevate it and make it digestible. Thanks for a great semester Prof. S.! Thank you! I ' ve heard people speak so highly of a few other Professors only (Glannon, Murthy, Simard) and Prof S. is 100% up there with them. Professor S uses all features of Zoom effectively to make the class extremely interactive. Professor S also appropriately challenges students when being cold called without embarrassing them. Prof. S is a fantastic, thoughtful professor truly - a lovely person! Suffolk is lucky to have her. Prof. S is amazing! Truly a delightful professor to have. I loved her teaching methods best as I felt I retained more information in this class. I would love it if other professors implemented her style into their own teaching style. (:


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