OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations

person, I have no suggestions for improvement. I loved that each class had very organized power point slides. Because there was so much material to cover, I re-watched the class recordings every Friday on 2x speed to make sure my outline was complete. This was very helpful and nice to have the recordings available. maybe a little more cold calling instead of waiting for volunteers I liked the convenience of the course and flexibility it provided in my weekly schedule. However, I don ' t believe anything could be improved per se. Professor Scheuerman utilized every single component of the online course, whether it is zoom, email, blackboard, discussion boards, and break out rooms. None!! This was the most organized and integrated online learning class I ' ve taken at Suffolk (including my first year completely remote). I appreciated the attempt to make this resemble an in-person class as much as possible, but if a social aspect and interaction is being sought, this class may as well be in-person. It was not as constructive in any way as an in-person class. That ' s a condemnation on Zoom and distance learning, not on the professor in any way. I like the breakout rooms and polling. Nothing needs to be improved but sometimes it would be nice to slow down. I thought the Professor did a good job utilizing the online tools such as polls, chat, breakout room etc. to keep things engaging. I liked switching things up with these. One improvement, which I feel was utilized about half-way through the year, was giving a short break in the middle of class. The slides were very helpful and I really liked the variety of chat options, quizzes, polls and breakout rooms to test knowledge. I really liked all of the different opportunities to learn through quizzes, breakout rooms, hypos, and in class discussions. Flexibility of taking class at home. I liked the flexibility travel-wise, and how we could work in breakout rooms and polls through Zoom. time spent during break out room hypos could be shortened. I liked that we would cover the content, then do class hypos where we were required to answer so you had to participate and then we had consistent breakout rooms where we could debate different hypos before discussing them in class. I also very much appreciated that Prof S. asked us if we knew anyone in class we ' d like to be in a breakout room with, we were all 3Ls and having people you know in your room makes it a lot easier to ask stupid questions without feeling stupid. Additionally, the use of breakout rooms was fun, but occurred too frequently and limited class time of slowly going through concepts. In the future, I recommend that some classes limit the excessive use of breakout rooms. In my opinion, the Mud cards are a waste of time. It ' s unfair to other students who understand the


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