OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations

Table 2: Course Response Breakdown. (continued)

Summary by Count and Percent.


5 %

4 %

3 %

2 %

1 %

A scale of 5 (Strongly Agree) to 1 (Strongly Disagree) is used for these questions: I attended all or nearly all class sessions. 42 91.3% 4 8.7% 0 0%

0 0%

0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

I came prepared for each class I attended. I paid attention and was fully engaged in class. I sought additional help as needed. I have learned and understand the fundamental principles of law and/or lawyering skills relevant to this course.

20 43.48% 25 54.35% 1 2.17% 0 0%

23 50%

21 45.65% 2 4.35% 0 0%

13 28.26% 19 41.3% 12 26.09% 2 4.35% 0 0% 27 58.7% 16 34.78% 3 6.52% 0 0% 0 0%

The fol lowing questions were asked to students in hybrid or online courses. A scale of 5 (Strongly Agree) to 1 (Strongly Disagree) is used for these questions: The online portion of the class provided me with added flexibility to “attend” class and complete my class-related obligations. 34 73.91% 8 17.39% 3 6.52% 1 2.17% 0 0%

The online portion of the class enhanced my ability to understand and engage with the material in this course. The type(s) of technology used in this course was effective. The online portion of the course provided opportunities to gauge my learning (such as through quizzes) or to engage with my classmates or professor (such as through a discussion board).

30 65.22% 8 17.39% 6 13.04% 2 4.35% 0 0%

40 86.96% 5 10.87% 0 0%

1 2.17% 0 0%

36 78.26% 8 17.39% 1 2.17% 1 2.17% 0 0%


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