OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
many times, especially it seemed towards the end of the semester she said "I won ' t be testing on this but it is just for your understanding of trust and estates." Unfortunately there was so much information being thrown at us, that it was difficult to pay attention when the professor said this. Or when readings were required that we did to discuss in class. Professor Malley is very responsive and gave very detailed answers by email - which is much appreciated. I like the fact that there were quizzes. This forces you to keep up with the material, and moreover, the full weight of the grade is not on one final exam. As mentioned above, the slides are really good (they made the book almost unnecessary) - this is great for the student who does not have time to do all of the reading. professor malley was very shy at first but throughout the course started to be way more opening and therefore the class became more interesting. I think cold calling would work in this class for case briefing and keep people more engaged in the material.
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