OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
Professor spoke really quickly at times, which made it difficult to follow along. I struggled with the quizes through casebook connect. I found the quizes used expressions and phrases that we did not use/learn in class and this caused confusion. The quizzes, I found them very helpful, but I wish one would be dropped as a grade. I had an "off" quiz much lower in score than my others. I ' ve been in courses before where the professor drops the lowest quiz grade, so that 1 bad quiz will not be detrimental. I think something like that would work very well for a course like this that has relatively complex material that many students (like myself) will have had next to no exposure to prior to the course. The answers to the textbook questions could be provided on the slides or on blackboard because it was unhelpful to go back over them on my own time and not know if I was getting them right. I also think going over the quizzes, or at least the most common few questions people got wrong, would be a good idea after the quiz period closes. The only way I could see this course improve is to maybe use a different quizzing system than connected quizzing. I am just not the biggest fan of the connected quizzing system. the online quizes are very helpful in review but they are super hard and will bring my grade down ' - Prof Malley could be better at engaging students during class time. I think she was weary of putting students on the spot so often did not push us to engage and answer her questions/ brief cases. While students often don ' t LOVE briefing cases in front of the class, it is a good exercise that usually benefits everyone ' s understanding. I think it would have been helpful to have a pre assigned panel of students for class so that student engagement was mandatory but not too high pressure or stressful - We spent a lot of time going over the questions from the text and I am not sure how helpful it was I think the material is just too much... Some classes had a lot of information at once so it could be a little challenging. Not once could I read the slides in that class. I sat in the center of the classroom and don ' t wear any corrective lenses (which maybe could have been my problem) however, from speaking with my peers I was not the only one with this issue. The lights in front of the powerpoint were always on resulting in a glare that made it difficult if not impossible to view the board. We were told the PowerPoints could not be released before class because they contained the answers to problems discussed in class, however, every time I tried to download the powerpoint after to look at the answer for the questions they were not there. This was the professors first time teaching but she constantly flew through the material and the slides making it very difficult to take notes/ pay attention. Although the content of the slides was excellent, there was a lot of information on each slide. I would suggest removing any content that we will not be tested on, or that Professor Malley doesn ' t expect us to know. the quizzes were sometimes challenging because they tested material that was not heavily covered
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