OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
What aspect(s) of the course or instruction could be improved? Two text books is ridiculous. The back and forth made it extremely confusing. Focusing less on the history of agency law and old corporate doctrines, and more on how corporations and business entities are treated by courts today None The powerpoints contain no useful information and could be edited to be more descriptive for the purpose of having to rewatch classes on zoom. The biggest is the accessibility of materials to help learn/review outside of class. The slides are wholly unhelpful (one of the PowerPoint has 2 slides — one of which is the title slide). While reviewing and outlining, I had to completely rely on my class notes, which can be difficult because it is always hard to capture all of the intricacies of the instruction. Rather than having to go back and watch each lecture the entire way through, having helpful information on the slides would go a long way. Additionally, accessibility to more MC questions would be appreciated. I found it very hard to locate materials online about unincorporated business entities (Barbri has lessons only for corporations) — so all of this material would be immensely helpful. Providing a review session for the midterm and final would be extremely helpful This just might be a personal issue, but I never learned the fundamentals of the business structure. So, for the first month-ish of class I wasn ' t only trying to learn the law side of businesses, but also the structures and terms that came along with businesses. It was a huge learning curve, so maybe spending the first week of class going over simply terms such as "shareholders" and "stocks" and what those mean in the business context would be extremely helpful! I found that the format of the class was extremely confusing and hard to keep up with/understand. The professor tried to make the content exciting, but often lost himself in the stories and failed to note the actual holding/takeaway of the caselaw. Oftentimes the professor ' s explanation of the case was circular and overcomplicated - noting aspects of the case that weren ' t relevant to the holding. This made outlining in preparation for the exam more tedious and time consuming than it should have. (This is especially true for partnerships and LLC ' s, where much of the caselaw was elucidating written rules, the latter of which were not assigned reading and only discussed in class). Furthermore, the sequence of the material was odd. I found myself confused as to which type of business entity we were focusing on and how it differed from the other material. Overall, I understand the material in studying it now but found the semester ' s classes themselves to be a lot more difficult than they should have been.
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