2024-2025 Faculty Exam & Grading Guide


1) Define Grade Components & Weights – this is where you can assign multiple components that will contribute to the final grade.

Grade Components - Under the grade component drop down you will see the options for grading – Midterm, Final Exam, Paper, Project, or other.

Weights - You need to assign a weight to the component you select (i.e.: Midterm – 20%). If you have multiple components (Midterm and Final) those must add up to 100%. If you have only one component, like a final exam, then the weight should be 100%.

Note – the Grade Component Title is optional. The Grading Type should default to Anonymous, unless you are grading a non-anonymous paper or project.

Next, click on Submit Grading Components & Weights (in red upper right corner). A confirmation pop-up will appear, hit YES which brings you back to the Welcome Page.

2) Welcome Page – Click on the View/Edit in blue to get to next phase

3) Grading Phase – (Non-Anonymous Components) This is where you can give a student a participation bump. A list of your students will appear, check the box next to the student(s) who should receive a bump up.

Once the bump ups are assigned, if any, click on Enter Anonymous Scores (the red button top right corner).

4) Grading Phase (Anonymous Components) - This is where you assign the letter grade for the students by exam number. Type in the appropriate grade (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F). As you fill in the grades the software will let you know if you are meeting the grading curve (Right Side of Screen). If your scores meet the grading requirements – a green check box will display “Meets Grading Requirement” on the right side of the screen. If your grades meet the grading


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