2024-2025 Faculty Exam & Grading Guide
Entering Grades
Faculty members are required to enter grades online using Appointlink and can begin to enter grades online from the first day of the examination period. Please be aware that for security reasons you may be timed out of Appointlink after 15 minutes. Data entered is auto-saved.
Select the appropriate term that you are submitting grades for on the top right corner of the screen (i.e., Fall Law 2024; Spring Law 2025) under the Selected Schedule dropdown. If you are administering a midterm exam, be aware that the midterm is given its own examination number. The midterm grade is submitted on Appointlink and identified during the Grade Components and Weights Phase. Once this grading phase is complete, the final exam grading phase will begin.
From your Canvas class site click on the Grading option on the navigation bar. On Appointlink the following steps need to be followed to complete the grading process:
Grade Components – type of grading (exam, paper or project) Weights – % values assigned to final grade Participation – the ability to bump up a student’s grade by one half -step grade Grading – assign grades Grade Submission
A Welcome screen will appear. To navigate through the grading procedure, use the View/Edit selection in blue. This will enable the next step in the process.
NOTE: There are RED COMMANDS IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER throughout the grading process.
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