2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide
Examplify Issues
• If a student does not have their own power cord they will not be able to use Examplify and will need to handwrite the exam. • IT support technicians are not available to assist students before the exam. Techs are there to assist with technical issues only (i.e. freezing) during the exam and any uploading issues at the end of the exam. Students are expected to have downloaded the software and course exam template prior to the day of the exam. • Students should use their exam number, not ID number. If they mistakenly enter their ID number they are NOT able to go back to correct this. The exam cannot be re-opened once it has been closed or if the student has moved to the next screen. Please make a note on the Proctor Report if a student advises you they have entered in their ID number. The Office of Academic Services can make the necessary change after the exam. If a student’s exam number is already populated instruct the student to overwrite the exam number with their correct exam number. • Troubleshooting should not be attempted by students or by proctors. If a student notifies you of an Examplify issue please immediately give them a handwriting book and advise them to start writing. Please page a technician for assistance. There is one technician per floor, so if a tech does not come immediately they may be in another exam room. If a student needs to handwrite their exam, please ensure that their laptop is brought to the front of the room.
• Examplify saves every minute.
• Technical support staff will only be able to re- set a student’s computer once if it freezes during an exam. If it freezes again, the student will need to complete the exam using a handwriting booklet. No additional time will be provided to any student for technical issues.
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