2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide

Additional Exam Instructions for Students • If you discover an irregularity in the examination such as an ambiguity or printing error that affects your ability to answer the exam question please notify a proctor immediately by raising your hand. You should continue working on the exam unless and until instructed otherwise. • In the unlikely event of an interruption in this room that requires the exam to be stopped I will instruct you to stop working. The exam clock will be stopped and then restarted when the exam resumes to ensure that you do not lose any time. Your professor will be notified that this exam room experienced an interruption. • In case of a fire alarm or other emergency requiring evacuation of the examination room, you may not talk to anyone about the exam during the evacuation. All exam materials must be left in the examination room. Students who wish to complete the examination using Examplify must leave their laptop OPEN before exiting the examination room. Students who close their laptop and/or who remove laptops from the exam room will need to handwrite the remaining portion of the examination.

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