2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide

3. Your student ID should be visible at all times on your writing space. Students MUST write his or her examination number on the test booklet.

4. You MAY NOT remove pages from the examination test booklet or the answer booklet, NOR attempt to identify yourself or include notes to the professor in your examination.

5. Students may use the restroom on this floor only. You are not permitted to visit other areas for any reason during this examination. All examination materials must be brought to the front of the room prior to you leaving the room. Laptop covers must be lowered. You must sign out and sign back into the exam room. Only one person may leave the room at a time.

6. If hand writers need a supplemental writing book, please raise your hand and I will bring one to you. Your original book MUST be completed to the last page before a supplemental book will be provided to you.

7. I will announce the beginning and the ending time of the examination. I will announce the time when there is one hour remaining and I will make an announcement at the 10 minute warning. No student will be permitted to check out or leave the room during the last 10 minutes of the examination even if you have completed the examination.

8. When time is announced, all students must stop writing immediately and place pens down. I will instruct you when you may check out of the examination.

9. I will now pass out the examination booklets face down. You may not begin the examination until I instruct you to do so.

10. Now, you may begin your examination. Good Luck! _________________________________________________________________________________________

1 HOUR WARNING – there is one hour remaining in this examination.

10 MINUTE WARNING – there are 10 minutes remaining in this examination. No student may check out or leave the room during these last 10 minutes of the examination.

At the end of the examination announce Stop! Pens and pencils down. Close your examination book. This examination has ended. Read and sign the Academic Integrity Statement. You may proceed to the desk one row at a time and at my direction.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I certify that I have read the instructions to the students in:

Examination: ______________________________

Room: _____________



Date: _____________


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