2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide
Examplify Script
Exam Duration □ 2 Hours □ 3 Hours □ Other
Exam Start Time:
Exam End Time:
May I have your attention please? My name is ____________ and I (We) will be your proctor(s) today. During the exam, I (We) will be walking around the room. When you see us please move your chair in slightly so that we do not disturb you.
Please read these general instructions to students before the examination begins.
1. This is an Open, Closed or Limited Open Book examination.
a. All electronic devices including cell phones must be turned off. H and held computers, PDA’s, calculators (unless permitted), cameras, radios, tape recorders, MP3 players, beepers, headphones/headsets, wireless email devices or any other electronic devices must be brought to the proctor. Wristwatches are permitted with the audio disabled.
b. Students who remove articles of clothing like sweaters or jackets during the examination MUST place these items under the desk. Hats, caps, and hoods may not be worn during the examination and MUST be removed. All other non-approved items MUST be brought to the front of the room. Students may not access these items until the end of the examination.
c. No laptop computers are allowed in the handwriting examination room. Pen must be used when writing in the exam books.
d. Multiple choice question responses will be answered on Examplify.
e. You may have a beverage in a covered container; no food or food related products (i.e. gum, candy, mints) are permitted in the examination room unless a documented condition exists and authorization has been received. Students with any non-approved items MUST bring them to the front of the room NOW before we begin the examination.
f. All students will be required to sign the following “Exam Integrity Statement” at the end of the exam:
SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL I hereby certify that, as related to this examination, I have complied with all Examination Regulations and Academic Integrity Rules. My examination answers, in their entirety, are the result of my work and not the work of others. I have neither given nor received aid in the writing of these answers.
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