2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide

Before Examinations Begin Proctors must arrive at the Office of Academic Services at least 45 minutes before the examinations begin. You will be given your assignment and role, your exam instructions, supplies, and room location.

If you are sick or cannot be on time, please call 617-573-8160 immediately.

Proctor Assignments

◊ Essay, Multiple Choice, Combo room

◊ Accommodation room

◊ Relief

Proctor Roles

◊ Primary Proctor

◊ Secondary Proctor

◊ Accommodation Area (4 th floor or 6 th floor)

◊ Relief Proctor

The primary proctor is expected to take the lead in the exam room including reading the script. The secondary proctor is expected to assist the lead proctor e.g. distributing the exams while the primary proctor is reading the script. The relief proctor will be asked to provide cover for all exam rooms, as directed by OAS. Relief should be no more than 10 minutes per exam room unless otherwise specified.

Proctor Responsibilities

o Verify identity of students – check photo IDs

• Make sure ID remains visible at all times during exam

o Check each student in and out of the exam o Read script o Distributing exams o Timekeeper o Maintaining order in exam room o Note any issues during exam o Collect completed exams o Assure equity in the exam process

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