2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide

Getting Paid

• Paid bi-weekly

• The WorkDay website is: SUFFOLK.EDU/WORKDAY

• Entering hours:

o Enter your username and password. The first time you log in you will create a permanent password after entering your temporary password. o WorkDay may require an additional security code to verify your ID. There is an app you can install on your phone: DUO MOBILE

o Select TIME

o Select THIS WEEK

o Select Date that you worked

o Enter Time. Confirm information by clicking OK

o At the end of the week click SUBMIT and then OK to submit your hours for the week. • Call the Suffolk Service Desk 617-557-2000 or visit them on the sixth floor if you have any issues entering your time in to WorkDay. • Please note that a 30 minute unpaid break must be taken for every six hours worked. When entering time in to WorkDay an error message will be received if six or more hours of time is entered in without a break. • Hours should be submitted in WorkDay at the end of each week. If you are unable to enter in your hours by the end of the week please email Lorraine Cove with your hours. • Please fill out a physical timesheet as well (see page 18) so that OAS has a record confirming your hours. Timesheets will be available at OAS.

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