2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide
Proctor Training Guide 2023-2024
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Before Examinations Begin Proctors must arrive at the Office of Academic Services at least 45 minutes before the examinations begin. You will be given your assignment and role, your exam instructions, supplies, and room location.
If you are sick or cannot be on time, please call 617-573-8160 immediately.
Proctor Assignments
◊ Essay, Multiple Choice, Combo room
◊ Accommodation room
◊ Relief
Proctor Roles
◊ Primary Proctor
◊ Secondary Proctor
◊ Accommodation Area (4 th floor or 6 th floor)
◊ Relief Proctor
The primary proctor is expected to take the lead in the exam room including reading the script. The secondary proctor is expected to assist the lead proctor e.g. distributing the exams while the primary proctor is reading the script. The relief proctor will be asked to provide cover for all exam rooms, as directed by OAS. Relief should be no more than 10 minutes per exam room unless otherwise specified.
Proctor Responsibilities
o Verify identity of students – check photo IDs
• Make sure ID remains visible at all times during exam
o Check each student in and out of the exam o Read script o Distributing exams o Timekeeper o Maintaining order in exam room o Note any issues during exam o Collect completed exams o Assure equity in the exam process
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What Not to Do:
o Actively use cell phones (unless calling the Office of Academic Services)
o Have headphones or earbuds in use
o Use computers for personal work or recreation
o Eat in the exam room
o Remain seated during exam (you should be continuously walking around the room)
Examination Types
Closed book
Open book
Limited open book
Multiple Choice
Supplemental books, stapler, earplugs, proctor folder, Exam Academic Integrity cards, Examplify password, character count (if applicable), accommodated student information (if applicable), Accommodated student envelopes* (if applicable), Make Up envelopes** (if applicable). * Accommodations: Envelopes will contain the exam, Exam Academic Integrity Card, Examplify password (if applicab le), and a tent card with the student’s name and exam start and finish time. ** Make Ups: Envelopes will contain the exam, Exam Academic Integrity Card, ExamSoft password (if applicable), and an affidavit.
Room Locations 2 nd floor, 3 rd floor, 4 th floor or 6 th floor
Exam Times
Final exams are generally three hours in duration. Spring examinations are held Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 12:30pm, 2:00pm to 5:00pm, 4:30pm to 7:30pm, and 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Saturday examinations are held from 9:30am to 12:30pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Fall examinations are held Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 12:30pm, 2:00pm to 5:00pm, and 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Saturday examinations are held from 9:30am to 12:30pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm. In the event that weather or other emergency conditions warrant the closing, delayed start, or early closure of the University, announcements will be made via the University Emergency Messaging System, RAVE, and posted on the University website. Please call 617-573-8262 for updated messages.
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At the Examination Room
• Clear the examination room. Count the number of exams.
• Write the ExamSoft password on board and character count (if necessary).
• Check each student in (Student ID, photo license acceptable) and check off each student name on the Proctor List o Check whether students will be using ExamSoft or handwriting. A laptop cord is required for ExamSoft. Handwriters should be given a handwriting book. o All students should receive an Exam Academic Integrity Card. Their exam number appears on the face of the card (see page 21). o Please take care to give the correct Exam Academic Integrity Card to each student. If you do not have a card for the student they are in the wrong room. A copy of the exam schedule will be provided to you so you may direct students to the appropriate room. closed book : the examinee cannot bring any materials into the examination room open book : the examinee may bring materials without limitations into the examination room limited open book : the examinee may bring only the specified materials authorized by the faculty member into the examination room o Check allowable materials at check-in – do not wait until the student is seated.
• All materials (personal items etc.) should be placed at the front of the room.
• No cellphones or ANY other non-medical electronic devices are allowed except a laptop (if using Examplify).
• SULS earplugs only
• Students must be seated in every other seat
• Students with an authorization memo (check your Proctor folder) may be permitted access to medication, glucose monitors, testing strips, use of restrooms as needed, food and/or drink during the examination • Accommodation Rooms: you will be provided with a list of students with approved accommodations. Each student will have a tent card with their first name and exam start and finish times. DO NOT write student names on the board. • Make Up exams: Students must read the affidavit BEFORE the exam begins and AFTER the exam ends and must have a witness when signing the affidavit.
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What Not to Bring
The items listed below are not to be brought into the examination room and should be stored in the student locker.
hats, caps or hoods may be worn.
Candy or food
Chewing gum
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Read the Script Provided
• Read the script (Examplify Script – see page 22). Please see additional instructions on the following page.
• Multiple choice examinations Multiple choice examinations will be answered on Examplify. Scantrons will no longer be used.
• Separate script for multiple choice only examinations (see page 24)
• Pass out examinations face down
• If the exam start time is delayed, please adjust the end time accordingly so that students do not lose any time (e.g. if you finish reading the instructions at 9:35am, the finish time should be 12:35pm). The exam start time and end time must be noted on the script.
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Additional Exam Instructions for Students • If you discover an irregularity in the examination such as an ambiguity or printing error that affects your ability to answer the exam question please notify a proctor immediately by raising your hand. You should continue working on the exam unless and until instructed otherwise. • In the unlikely event of an interruption in this room that requires the exam to be stopped I will instruct you to stop working. The exam clock will be stopped and then restarted when the exam resumes to ensure that you do not lose any time. Your professor will be notified that this exam room experienced an interruption. • In case of a fire alarm or other emergency requiring evacuation of the examination room, you may not talk to anyone about the exam during the evacuation. All exam materials must be left in the examination room. Students who wish to complete the examination using Examplify must leave their laptop OPEN before exiting the examination room. Students who close their laptop and/or who remove laptops from the exam room will need to handwrite the remaining portion of the examination.
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Examplify Issues
• If a student does not have their own power cord they will not be able to use Examplify and will need to handwrite the exam. • IT support technicians are not available to assist students before the exam. Techs are there to assist with technical issues only (i.e. freezing) during the exam and any uploading issues at the end of the exam. Students are expected to have downloaded the software and course exam template prior to the day of the exam. • Students should use their exam number, not ID number. If they mistakenly enter their ID number they are NOT able to go back to correct this. The exam cannot be re-opened once it has been closed or if the student has moved to the next screen. Please make a note on the Proctor Report if a student advises you they have entered in their ID number. The Office of Academic Services can make the necessary change after the exam. If a student’s exam number is already populated instruct the student to overwrite the exam number with their correct exam number. • Troubleshooting should not be attempted by students or by proctors. If a student notifies you of an Examplify issue please immediately give them a handwriting book and advise them to start writing. Please page a technician for assistance. There is one technician per floor, so if a tech does not come immediately they may be in another exam room. If a student needs to handwrite their exam, please ensure that their laptop is brought to the front of the room.
• Examplify saves every minute.
• Technical support staff will only be able to re- set a student’s computer once if it freezes during an exam. If it freezes again, the student will need to complete the exam using a handwriting booklet. No additional time will be provided to any student for technical issues.
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Starting Exam:
Students must enter their examination number and the exam password, and then navigate to the yellow screen with the stop sign. Students must not click “Start Exam” until the proctor instructs them to do so.
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Examplify – Uploading Exam
When the proctor announces the end of the exam students should stop working.
o At “Exam Controls” students select “Submit Exam”.
o At the next page, students select “I am ready to exit my exam”, then c lick “ Submit Exam ”.
o Once the student has clicked “ Submit Exam ” they must wait for the confirmation screen. Students must complete a successful upload before leaving the exam room.
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During the Examination
• Contact OAS (8160) if there are any issues.
• Late comers to examination room: ask the student if they can finish with the remaining time allotted; if not, refer the student to the Dean of Student Affairs Office, 4 th floor. Please include this information in the Proctor Report. • CONTINOUSLY walk around the room from back to front. Proctors should remain alert at all times, and should not be reading or doing personal work. No talking, eating, or disturbing students. • Provide supplemental books as needed. All available space must have been used in the answer book before a supplemental book can be issued. If a supplemental book is issued, the proctor must indicate on the cover of the supplemental books the following:
• Only ONE student may be out of the room at a time. Proctors must use the Student Sign-Out Sheet (see page 27) to sign students out and in with the correct time. Be mindful of any students out of the room for more than a few minutes. Call OAS (8160) if a student has not returned to the room within a few minutes. • Have handwriting books ready if you see a student raise their hand for assistance. DO NOT attempt to troubleshoot Examplify issues. Immediately provide a handwriting book and tell the student to start writing. Use the screen to page a technician for assistance.
• Earplugs – only those provided by SULS can be used.
• Students may not remove pages from the examination answer book or test book.
• Student questions/concerns regarding exam questions: If multiple students have the same concern/question about an exam question please call OAS (8160). Otherwise, students should be instructed to respond to the question based on how they interpret it and to make this clear in their response. In instances where the question is a multiple choice question please note this on the Proctor Report.
• Serious illness: call SUPD (3070) first, then OAS (8160).
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• Student violations
o confirm with another proctor if possible
o do not stop the student from completing the exam
o if unauthorized materials are being used remove them from the student
o write a full report on the Proctor Report (see page 26)
• One Hour Warning
• 10 minute Warning . Once given no students are permitted to leave. Students who have completed the exam may not check out after the warning has been given.
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Exam Irregularities
• Exam irregularities include typographical errors, ambiguities or mistakes in examination text, missing pages in exam book, etc. • Significant exam irregularities identified by a student should be immediately reported to the Office of Academic Services. o The student should be instructed to continue working on the exam until further notice. o Academic Services will attempt to contact the faculty member to resolve any significant irregularities. • Academic Services will instruct proctors how to proceed. Proctors should NOT instruct students to stop an exam. Only Dean Cove, the Dean of Student Affairs, or an associate dean can authorize stoppage of an exam due to an irregularity in the exam book. Exam Interruptions • Exam interruptions include fire alarms, individual student illness, disruptive events in the exam room, etc. • If a student experiences a medical emergency, the proctor should immediately call University Police and then notify Academic Services. • An examination should generally not be stopped due to an individual student emergency. If they ask, students should be instructed to keep working until further notice. o Only Dean Cove, the Dean of Student Affairs, or an associate dean can authorize stoppage of an exam due to a disruption caused by a situation affecting an individual student. • In case of a fire alarm or other emergency requiring immediate room evacuation, students should be told to leave their laptops OPEN in the classroom. o Closing a laptop will close Examplify, and the student will be required to handwrite the remainder of their examination when it resumes.
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Emergency Procedure
In the event of an emergency an evacuation signal will sound. All proctors and students must evacuate the building immediately. • Exam materials should be left in the examination room, including laptops. Students who remove laptops from the exam room will need to handwrite the remaining portion of the examination. • When exiting the building, use sidewalks and walk away from the building to allow for access by the Boston Fire Department and emergency personnel. • Go to the designated assembly area located on Bosworth Street, at the corner with Chapman Place (this is the area between the Beantown Pub and the Nine-Zero Hotel). • No individual may re-enter the building until the Boston Fire department or other emergency personnel have given the all clear. Seizure Protocol In the event that a student suffers a seizure during an exam please call Security (3070) and OAS (8160) and then make sure the student is safe. Some helpful tips are: • Use the closest available exit stairwell to exit the building. Do NOT use elevators. • Students are not permitted to discuss the examination. Await further instructions.
• Give the student room. Keep other people back.
• Clear hard or sharp objects, like glasses and furniture, away from the immediate area.
• Cushion the student’s head.
• Don't try to hold the student down or stop their movements.
• Don't put anything in the student’s mouth. Contrary to popular myth, you can't swallow your tongue during a seizure. But putting something in the mouth could damage teeth, or the student might bite you.
• Remember, this probably isn't an emergency, although it may look like one.
• The seizure is typically not long-lasting. After the jerking stops, gently place them on their side, to help keep their airway clear.
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At the End of the Examination
• Read the end of examination announcement from the script
o Examplify students upload their examinations
o Students must sign the Academic Integrity statement on the back of their exam card (see below).
• Students Checkout ** AT YOUR DIRECTION **
o Instruct the students to approach the checkout point row by row at your direction o Do not let students crowd the checkout point. It is important that students check out in an orderly and quiet fashion as they still have possession of their exams. o ALL examination materials must be returned (examination question book, handwriting book/s, Exam Academic Integrity card, and any other distributed materials). Examination handwriting books should be marked 1 of 2, 2 of 2 etc.
o Staple the Exam Academic Integrity card to the test booklet.
o Make up Affidavits must be read BEFORE and AFTER the exam. The affidavit must be signed by the student and witness (Proctor)
• Check each student out of the examination, and check off each student’s name on the Proctor List • Complete Proctor Report (no shows, student illness, any problems, unused books, student technical issues etc.). Please include start/end time of any issues, student name and ID # etc.
• Check the room to ensure no materials, personal belongings etc. are left behind
• Return all materials to OAS
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Getting Paid
• Paid bi-weekly
• The WorkDay website is: SUFFOLK.EDU/WORKDAY
• Entering hours:
o Enter your username and password. The first time you log in you will create a permanent password after entering your temporary password. o WorkDay may require an additional security code to verify your ID. There is an app you can install on your phone: DUO MOBILE
o Select TIME
o Select THIS WEEK
o Select Date that you worked
o Enter Time. Confirm information by clicking OK
o At the end of the week click SUBMIT and then OK to submit your hours for the week. • Call the Suffolk Service Desk 617-557-2000 or visit them on the sixth floor if you have any issues entering your time in to WorkDay. • Please note that a 30 minute unpaid break must be taken for every six hours worked. When entering time in to WorkDay an error message will be received if six or more hours of time is entered in without a break. • Hours should be submitted in WorkDay at the end of each week. If you are unable to enter in your hours by the end of the week please email Lorraine Cove with your hours. • Please fill out a physical timesheet as well (see page 18) so that OAS has a record confirming your hours. Timesheets will be available at OAS.
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WorkDay Submission
• Hours worked from December 7 through December 9 must be submitted in WorkDay by 12:00pm on Monday, December 11
o December 22 pay date
• Hours worked from December 11 through December 16 must be submitted in WorkDay by 12:00pm on Monday, December 18
o December 22 pay date
• Hours worked December 18 through December 20 must be submitted in WorkDay by 12:00pm on Saturday, December 23
o January 5 pay date
• Hours not entered and approved on time will be paid in the following pay cycle. Please enter your hours in to WorkDay before the deadline.
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Proctor Timesheet
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Exam Academic Integrity Card
Student Exam Number
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Examplify Script
Exam Duration □ 2 Hours □ 3 Hours □ Other
Exam Start Time:
Exam End Time:
May I have your attention please? My name is ____________ and I (We) will be your proctor(s) today. During the exam, I (We) will be walking around the room. When you see us please move your chair in slightly so that we do not disturb you.
Please read these general instructions to students before the examination begins.
1. This is an Open, Closed or Limited Open Book examination.
a. All electronic devices including cell phones must be turned off. H and held computers, PDA’s, calculators (unless permitted), cameras, radios, tape recorders, MP3 players, beepers, headphones/headsets, wireless email devices or any other electronic devices must be brought to the proctor. Wristwatches are permitted with the audio disabled.
b. Students who remove articles of clothing like sweaters or jackets during the examination MUST place these items under the desk. Hats, caps, and hoods may not be worn during the examination and MUST be removed. All other non-approved items MUST be brought to the front of the room. Students may not access these items until the end of the examination.
c. No laptop computers are allowed in the handwriting examination room. Pen must be used when writing in the exam books.
d. Multiple choice question responses will be answered on Examplify.
e. You may have a beverage in a covered container; no food or food related products (i.e. gum, candy, mints) are permitted in the examination room unless a documented condition exists and authorization has been received. Students with any non-approved items MUST bring them to the front of the room NOW before we begin the examination.
f. All students will be required to sign the following “Exam Integrity Statement” at the end of the exam:
SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL I hereby certify that, as related to this examination, I have complied with all Examination Regulations and Academic Integrity Rules. My examination answers, in their entirety, are the result of my work and not the work of others. I have neither given nor received aid in the writing of these answers.
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3. Your student ID should be visible at all times on your writing space. Students MUST write his or her examination number on the test booklet.
4. You MAY NOT remove pages from the examination test booklet or the answer booklet, NOR attempt to identify yourself or include notes to the professor in your examination.
5. Students may use the restroom on this floor only. You are not permitted to visit other areas for any reason during this examination. All examination materials must be brought to the front of the room prior to you leaving the room. Laptop covers must be lowered. You must sign out and sign back into the exam room. Only one person may leave the room at a time.
6. If hand writers need a supplemental writing book, please raise your hand and I will bring one to you. Your original book MUST be completed to the last page before a supplemental book will be provided to you.
7. I will announce the beginning and the ending time of the examination. I will announce the time when there is one hour remaining and I will make an announcement at the 10 minute warning. No student will be permitted to check out or leave the room during the last 10 minutes of the examination even if you have completed the examination.
8. When time is announced, all students must stop writing immediately and place pens down. I will instruct you when you may check out of the examination.
9. I will now pass out the examination booklets face down. You may not begin the examination until I instruct you to do so.
10. Now, you may begin your examination. Good Luck! _________________________________________________________________________________________
1 HOUR WARNING – there is one hour remaining in this examination.
10 MINUTE WARNING – there are 10 minutes remaining in this examination. No student may check out or leave the room during these last 10 minutes of the examination.
At the end of the examination announce Stop! Pens and pencils down. Close your examination book. This examination has ended. Read and sign the Academic Integrity Statement. You may proceed to the desk one row at a time and at my direction.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I certify that I have read the instructions to the students in:
Examination: ______________________________
Room: _____________
Date: _____________
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Special Instructions
□ Multiple Choice only
Exam Start Time:
Exam End Time:
Read instructions aloud.
May I have your attention please? My name is ____________ and I (We) will be your proctor(s) today. During the exam, I (We) will be walking around the room. When you see us please move your chair in slightly so that we do not disturb you.
Please read these general instructions to students before the examination begins.
This is an Open, Closed or Limited Open Book examination.
1. This is a Multiple Choice examination. All responses will be answered on Examplify.
2. a. All electronic devices including cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches and tablets must be turned off. Hand held devices, calculators (unless permitted), cameras, radios, tape recorders, headphones/headsets, wireless email devices or any other electronic devices must be brought to the proctor. All audio alarms on watches must be disabled.
b. Students who remove articles of clothing like sweaters or jackets during the examination MUST place these items under the desk. Hats, caps, and hoods may not be worn during the examination and MUST be removed. All other non-approved items MUST be brought to the front of the room. Students may not access these items until the end of the examination.
c. You may have a beverage in a covered container; no food or food related products (i.e. gum, candy, mints) are permitted in the examination room unless a documented condition exists and authorization has been received. Students with any non-approved items MUST bring them to the front of the room NOW before we begin the examination.
d. All students are required to sign the following “Exam Integrity Statement” at the end of the examination:
I hereby certify that, as related to this examination, I have complied with all Examination Regulations and Academic Integrity Rules. My examination answers, in their entirety, are the result of my work and not the work of others. I have neither given nor received aid in the writing of these answers.
3. Your student ID should be visible at all times on your work space.
4. You MAY NOT remove pages from the examination test booklet, NOR attempt to identify yourself or include notes to the professor in your examination.
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5. Students may use the restroom on this floor only. You are not permitted to visit other areas for any reason during this examination. All examination materials must be brought to the front of the room prior to you leaving the room. Laptop covers must be lowered. You must sign out and sign back into the exam room. Only one person may leave the room at a time.
6. I will announce the beginning and the ending time of the examination. I will make an announcement when there is one hour remaining and at the 10 minute warning. No student will be permitted to check out or leave the room during the last 10 minutes of the examination even if you have completed the examination.
7. When time is announced, all students must immediately submit your exam on Examplify.
8. Wait for instructions to check out of the exam.
9. I will now pass out the examination booklets face down. You may not begin the examination until I instruct you to do so.
10. Now, you may begin your examination. Good Luck!
1 HOUR WARNING – there is one hour remaining in this examination.
10 MINUTE WARNING – there are 10 minutes remaining in this examination. No student may leave the room during this time.
This examination has ended. Please submit your exam. Read and sign the Academic Integrity Statement
Please proceed one row at a time in my direction to check out.
I certify that I have read the instructions to the students in:
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Proctor Report
Exams provided: ________
Primary Proctor:
Exams used:
Secondary Proctor: ____________________
Exams returned: ________
Secondary Proctor: ____________________
Please detail any type of disruption or unusual occurrence: clock not working, excessive noise, student questions, Examplify issues etc. Please be sure to include the student’s full name and exam number when necessary.
IMPORTANT: Note exact time of issue and time issue was resolved.
TIME : ________ TIME : ________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TIME : ________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TIME : ________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TIME : ________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RESOLVED: Yes No TIME : ________ RESOLVED: Yes No TIME : ________ RESOLVED: Yes No TIME : ________ RESOLVED: Yes No
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Student Sign-Out Sheet
Primary Proctor: ____________________ Secondary Proctor: ____________________
Student Name
Time In
Time Out
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Examination Rules for Proctors
1. Proctors are required to be at the Office of Academic Services at least 45 minutes prior to the starting time of each examination. 2. All examination rooms must be completely vacated one half hour prior to the scheduled time for the examination. Thereafter, students may only enter the examination room when the proctor so indicates and upon the presentation of proper identification. Students should be made aware that once they have checked in they are not allowed to leave the room for restroom purposes, to retrieve power cords etc. 3. Upon entering the examination room each student must present his/her student identification card to the proctor. Students who will be handwriting the exam should be given a sealed examination answer book. The examination answer book must remain sealed until the proctor announces the commencement of the examination. 4. There shall be no materials of any kind in the examination area during CLOSED BOOK examinations. Students taking LIMITED OPEN BOOK examinations will be allowed to bring in only those materials specifically authorized by the professor and materials must be reviewed at check in by the proctor. All materials brought into the examination will, in fairness to all, be subject to inspection, and students who are deemed to have violated the terms of the limited open book allowance will have the material in question taken away and will not be able to refer to it during the examination. An OPEN BOOK examination is one in which the examinee may bring in any materials without limitation in to the examination area. 5. Students must leave their personal belongings in the front of the examination room in the area designated by the proctor. Students may not return to their personal belongings during the examination, except under the direct supervision of the proctor. 6. No student is permitted to bring any non-medical device in to the examination room including cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, iPads, E-Readers, handheld devices, calculators (unless permitted), cameras, radios, tape recorders, headphones/headsets, wireless email devices or any other non-medical electronic device. All non-medical electronic devices must be brought to the proctor. All audio alarms on watches must be disabled. 7. Students are instructed in advance of how to set up Examplify. They should be ready 15 minutes before the exam begins. • Students without a power cable may NOT type their examination. Please make sure that their power cord is plugged in to an outlet and that their computer is using power from this source and not from their battery. • All students must be ready to begin the exam at the scheduled time. Technical support for troubleshooting at the start of the exam will not be available. If students are unable to download their examination file they will need to handwrite the exam. • Students using Examplify should navigate to the screen with the stop sign. Students MAY NOT click “Start Exam” until instructed to do so.
8. Each student’s identification card must be visible during the course of the examination.
9. The proctor should place the examination face down in front of each student.
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10. If the exam contains a multiple choice component, students will enter their answers on ExamSoft.
11. Once the proctor has announced that the examination has commenced, no student shall speak or communicate in any way with another student. Students shall not communicate with each other until after they have left the examination room at the conclusion of the examination. 12. Should a student arrive late they can take the exam if they agree to no extra time (their exam ends when the others do). Enter this on the proctor report and have the student sign. If they want their full time have them report to the Dean of Students Office on the 4 th floor. 13. Proctors should be circulating throughout the classroom, spot-checking the students and materials, being sure to walk from back to front. Proctors are asked to refrain from using laptops, eating, talking with fellow proctors about non-related exam issues etc. while proctoring an exam. 14. If students using Examplify have a technical problem during the exam, do not attempt to troubleshoot – they should notify you by raising their hand. Please page a technician for assistance, and immediately provide the student with a handwriting book. If the IT Support technician is unable to resolve the issue, the student must handwrite the remainder of the examination. IT Support will not be able to troubleshoot a student’s computer more than once. No additional time will be provided to any student for technical issues. Technical support is not available prior to the start of the exam. 15. In the event that a student handwriting the exam requires additional writing material, the proctor must first determine that all available space has been used in the examination answer book before additional material will be issued. If the proctor determines that supplemental materials should be issued, the proctor must indicate on the cover of the supplementary material the following:
Examination # Time Issued
:___________________________ :___________________________ :___________________________ :___________________________
Proctor Signature
The proctor must also record the issuance of supplementary material on the proctor report.
16. Students shall not remove any pages or portions thereof from the examination question, the examination answer book, or from any supplementary materials handed out by the proctor. Students should use the available space on the examination or in the examination answer book for outlining. 17. Students shall not leave the room during the examination without prior permission of the proctor. Only ONE student is permitted to leave the examination room at a time. The student must give all of his or her examination materials to the proctor upon leaving the room. The materials will be returned by the proctor to the student upon reentering the examination room. Proctors must sign the student out and in on the sheet provided and note times. Students may leave the examination room, with proctor permission, only to use the restroom on the same floor as the examination room. Students are not permitted to visit any other areas for any other reason during the examination.
18. If you have any reason to believe that a student is violating the examination rules during the exam:
• Closely observe the student until you are convinced that such is the case. If there is more than one proctor in the room, ask the other proctor/s to confirm.
• Do not stop the student from completing the exam.
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• Under no circumstances should a proctor at any time come in physical contact with a student. If observation involves use of unauthorized material the proctor must remove and retain any unauthorized material found in the student’s posses sion. The student should then be allowed to continue the examination. • Immediately write a full incident report in clear and concise language on the Proctor Report sheet providing the following information:
Course Student’s Name
Student’s Examination Number Detailed report of incident (including names of witnesses if any) Proctor’s signature
Submit the incident report to the Office of Academic Services at the conclusion of the examination.
19. NO STUDENTS, INCLUDING THOSE WHO HAVE COMPLETED THE EXAMINATION, WILL BE ALLOWED TO CHECK OUT OR LEAVE THE ROOM DURING THE LAST TEN MINUTES OF THE EXAMINATION. 20. Once the proctor announces that the examination has ended, all remaining students must stop writing OR typing and remain seated. The proctor will then inform the students when they may approach the desk to submit their examination material. 21. Students who used Examplify must upload their examination file. Under “Exam Controls” students should choose “Submit Exam” and allow the laptop to completely rebo ot. The exam will automatically upload – students must wait for confirmation. They must complete a successful upload before leaving the examination room. 22. Upon completion of the examination and checking out of student by the proctor the student shall immediately depart the examination area and shall not return until the examination process has been completed by the proctor and the room is cleared of all examinees. 23. All students must return the examination questions, the examination answer book and supplementary writing materials, handouts, answer sheets, signed academic integrity statement on back of examination cards, and all examination materials distributed during the examination. Proctors must make sure at check out that all exams, scantrons etc. are returned. Please do not staple scantrons to the exams – place them inside front cover. STUDENTS SHALL NOT REMOVE ANY EXAMINATION MATERIAL OF ANY KIND FROM THE EXAMINATION ROOM. 24. It is the student’s responsibility to see that the examination materials are recorde d by the proctor and if using Examplify that their exam uploaded. It is the proctor’s responsibility to record the receipt of all examination materials previously issued to the student. 25. ALL USED AND UNUSED EXAMINATION MATERIALS MUST BE ACCOUNTED FOR AND RETURNED TO THE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC SERVICES AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE EXAMINATION.
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General Rules for all Exams
1. All students are subject to Suffolk University Law School’s Examination Regulations. 2. All students are responsible for ensuring they have the adequate exam-taking technology and the up-to-date version of all required exam-taking software. All instructions for new and returning Examplify users must be followed. 3. Any attempt to bypass or disable the security features of the Examplify software will subject the student to disciplinary action as described in Rule XI. Suffolk University Law School Rules and Regulations. In addition, any attempt to launch, copy, move, or delete a download exam file prior to starting the exam will cause the file to be disabled. 4. The Law School is not responsible for any computer hardware/software problems that may arise, or any damage which may occur to student property, by downloading and using the exam-taking software. 5. Students are expected to be on time for examinations. Any student who is unable to start an exam on time, due to transportation problems or other extenuating circumstances should contact the Dean of Students. Only the Dean of Students may permit the student to begin the examination at a later time with the full time allocation. 6. There shall be no materials of any kind in the examination area during CLOSED BOOK examinations. Students taking LIMITED OPEN BOOK examinations will be allowed to bring in only those materials specifically authorized by the professor. Only printed, hard-copy materials are permissible in a limited open book exam. For limited open book exams, digital texts or materials will not be permitted; therefore students who have purchased digital texts should plan accordingly. 7. During exams, students should not wear caps, hats or hoods, except for religious or medical need. 8. No student is permitted to bring any non-medical electronic devices in to the examination room or to have such devices within the area of a remote-proctored exam. This includes cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, iPads, E Readers, handheld devices, calculators (unless permitted in a specific exam), cameras, radios, tape recorders, headphones/headsets, wireless email devices or any other non-medical electronic device. 9. Since the examination process is anonymous, students shall not identify themselves to the professor in any manner whatsoever in their exam answers or via any other exam material. 10. Until grades are posted, students shall refrain from contacting their professor with any information that could identify their exam to the professor (this includes alerting a professor that the student will be taking a rescheduled exam.) 11. When a student completes the examination, the student must sign the Academic Integrity Statement. 12. In the unlikely and rare circumstance that a student believes that all or a portion of an exam answer that the student believes to have properly typed during the examination while using Examplify is missing or the student believes that a technology matter caused the Examplify program to cease working during a remote-proctored exam, the law school will investigate and resolve the matter in accordance with the Process For Investigating and Resolving Claims of Missing Exam Text or Technology Failure During Remote Exam. In other rare circumstances where a student is unable to complete an exam they have started, the Exam Interruption Policy will apply. Rules for Remote-proctored Exams 1. All students must complete a Mock Exam at least two days before their first scheduled exam of the exam period. This is the opportunity to ensure that Examplify is operating correctly in the remote environment. By completing the mock exam process, there will be time to identify and resolve issues prior to the date of the actual midterm or final examination. 2. Students may have access to beverages in clear containers only. For remote proctored exams taken in private locations, food or food related products (i.e. gum, candy, mints) are permitted but must not be in packaging (or should be in a clear container. 3. Students in remote-proctored exams may take quick breaks as necessary. Students taking a quick break, must say out loud that this what they are doing. This will help in excluding the quick break from any consideration of irregularities. 4. Remote exam takers who experience a technical problem with Examplify, should contact the ExamTaker Support Line: 866-429-8889 or 954-429-8889. If the issue is not resolved by contacting Examplify, remote exam takers should contact the Assistant Dean of Academic Services ( lcove@suffolk.edu , 617-573-8160) or the Dean of Students Office ( LawDeanOfStudents@suffolk.edu , 617-573-8157) 5. Hard copy scrap paper is not permitted unless specifically allowed by the professor in the course examination instructions. Otherwise, students may use the virtual notes feature in Examplify to make in-exam notes.
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Rules for Live-proctored Exams
1. All examination rooms must be completely vacated one half hour prior to the scheduled time for the examination. Thereafter, students may only enter the examination room when the proctor so indicates. 2. Students who enter the room prior to the proctor’s arrival to the examination will be asked to vacate the room. All students must be checked into the examination room. 3. Upon entering the examination room, each student must present his or her student identification card to the proctor in order to receive his or her academic integrity card and handwriting book (if the student will not be using Examplify). 4. Students in live-proctored exams should arrive 30 minutes before the starting time of the exam. 5. All students must be checked in with the proctor at the assigned examination room at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the examination. (For example a student must be checked in at 9:15 a.m. for a 9:30 a.m. examination). Students who are not checked in at this time must handwrite the examination. This includes students who receive exam accommodations. Once a student checks in to the exam room, the student may not leave the room until after the examination has begun. 6. No technical support is available to students prior to the start of the exam. 7. The proctor may impose seating arrangements in the examination room to facilitate the examination process. 8. Any student who arrives to the examination room after the starting time of the examination (without approval of the Dean of Students) will not be permitted any additional time to complete the examination. Examinees who arrive late to an examination will be required to handwrite the examination. 9. Students must come to the examination room with their laptop, power cord and Ethernet cable. Students without a power cord will be required to handwrite the examination. 10. Students may not return to their personal belongings while the examination is in process, except under the direct supervision of the proctor. 11. Students are strongly encouraged not to bring any non-examination materials (other than personal items) into the examination room for a closed book/limited open book examination. Students who remove articles of clothing like sweaters or jackets during the examination must place these items under the desk. Students will not be permitted to leave these articles on writing surfaces or on the backs or seats of chairs. 12. Students must leave their personal belongings including hats, caps or hoods in the front of the room in the area designated by the proctor. 13. All non-medical electronic devices must be brought to the proctor. All audio alarms on watches must be disabled. 14. The proctor must be notified immediately when a laptop freezes or crashes. Students may not attempt to reboot or otherwise trouble shoot computer problems during the examination. 15. Should any hardware/software problems occur during the examination that cannot be immediately remedied, it will be necessary for the student to handwrite the examination. No adjustment to grades or additional time will be given to students for laptop failure or the unavailability of Examplify, even if such a failure or unavailability is unexpected or occurs shortly before or during the examination. 16. Each student's identification card must be visible during the course of the examination. 17. Students will receive only one examination answer book, and will be required to fully complete the assigned book before requesting supplemental writing material. Students will not be allowed additional writing material for outlining purposes. Students should use the available space on the examination or in the examination answer book for outlining. The proctor must determine that all available space has been used in the assigned examination book before additional material will be issued. 18. Students shall not remove pages or portions thereof from the examination questions, the examination answer book, or from any supplemental materials handed out by the proctor. 19. Students are requested to consider and respect the rights of others and to avoid any actions which would be distracting to others during the examinations. 20. Students may bring in beverages in covered containers only. No food or food related products (i.e. gum, candy, mints) are permitted in the examination room unless authorization has been received from the Dean of Students. 21. When the proctor announces the commencement of the examination, no student shall speak or communicate in any way with another student. Students shall not communicate with each other until after they have left the examination room at the conclusion of the examination. 22. Students may not share textbooks or any other materials with one another nor provide assistance to another student.
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