2022-2023 Registration Guide
Jessup International Moot Court Team: The Law School supports a team of four students for participation in the well-known Jessup International Moot Competition, which takes place each year.
Summer Law Program in Galway
International Externship Program: Suffolk's International Externship Program provides students the opportunity to participate in the legal work of international non-governmental organizations, international corporations, and law firms around the world. International Externships are a unique opportunity for law students to acquire practical experience and exposure to the law of another jurisdiction during the summer, for credit or not. The Law School also offers students opportunities to obtain international law related externships in the Boston area.
LL.M. in Global Law and Technology
The LLM in Global Law and Technology is intended to provide international and U.S. law graduates with the practical expertise they will need for the practice of law in the 21st Century. The program requires 24 credits, is full time or part time, and may be commenced in the fall or the spring. There are four tracks: Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law; Biomedicine and Health Law; International Law and Business; or U.S. Law and Legal Methods. Students may specialize in, or combine these tracks, or they may select from an even wider range of courses to develop their own academic program in order to meet their own professional needs.
Juvenile and Family Law Attorneys who practice in the area of family and juvenile law frequently see their clients at their most distressed: they represent parents who have lost custody of their children (to the state or to the other parent), children who have been arrested and are being prosecuted as delinquents, or families who are worried about an elderly relative's ability to continue caring for herself -- to name just a few common issues. But these lawyers also help clients achieve great joy, when handling an adoption, or helping a same-sex (or infertile) couple make legal arrangements for artificial reproduction, or upon resolving one of the aforementioned distress-provoking matters. Family and juvenile lawyers must be fluent in substantive law and the procedural rules of many different courts; adept at counseling clients who can be justifiably quite emotional; skilled at negotiating favorable resolutions in extraordinarily high-stakes matters; and comfortable with trial lawyering, often in a context of great uncertainty.
Recommended Courses
Children and Disability Law
Family Law
Children and the Law
Trial Advocacy
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