Suffolk Law Summer 2019 Student Handbook
Withdrawal Process, contained within this publication and on the Law School’s website and Portal.
B. Involuntary Leave of Absence
The Law School may place a student on an Involuntary Leave of Absence in certain circumstances. The process for an Involuntary Leave of Absence is more fully described in the section entitled, “Involuntary Leave of Absence” within this publication and on the Law School’s website.
C. Failure to Return at Conclusion of Leave of Absence
Students who fail to enroll at the conclusion of a Leave of Absence will be withdrawn from the Law School. Those in this situation who wish to return to the Law School must apply for readmission in accordance with the Readmissions Process outlined in the Law School Rules and Regulations.
D. Failure to File Previous Educational Transcript(s)
Transcripts verifying all academic credits undertaken and degree(s) conferred of a student enrolled in the law school must be filed with the law school no later than October 15th of the student’s first-year. Students who fail to file transcripts by this deadline will be withdrawn from the law school and will be responsible for any tuition charges under the tuition refund policy.
A. Consideration of Readmission Applications and Petitions
1. Non-Academic Separations . A student who has previously voluntarily withdrawn from the law school with decanal approval, who was administratively withdrawn for failure to enroll or attend classes, who has been previously dismissed for administrative reasons, or was dismissed for disciplinary reasons must submit a petition seeking readmission in order to reenter the law school. Such petitions, which must be submitted on a form provided by the Admissions Office, will be considered by the Admissions Office in consultation with the Dean of Students and Associate Deans. In the case of a student dismissed for disciplinary reasons, the Admissions Office will make a recommendation to the faculty, which will determine whether to readmit the student. A student who is readmitted to the law school after having withdrawn or having been dismissed for administrative or disciplinary reasons is subject to the academic requirements and regulations in force upon reentry.
All petitions seeking readmission after a non-academic separation must address, in detail, the reasons for the student’s prior withdrawal or dismissal and provide a statement
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