Suffolk Law Summer 2019 Student Handbook

3-credit course, meets once a week 3-credit course, meets twice a week 3-credit course, meets three times a week 4-credit course, meets twice a week 4-credit course, meets three times a week

330 minutes of class, or up to two class meetings 330 minutes of class, or up to four class meetings 330 minutes of class, or up to six class meetings 440 minutes of class, or up to four class meetings 440 minutes of class, or up to five class meetings


Year-long Courses

In year-long courses, each of the semesters of the course shall have its own Applicable Absence Limitation as defined above. Students may not “carry-over” unused absences to increase the Applicable Absence Limitation in the second semester of a year-long course.


Add/Drop Period

For elective courses, class meetings during the add/drop period shall be disregarded in determining whether a student has exceeded the Applicable Absence Limitation. This does not apply to required courses, summer session, inter-session or intensive courses.


Inter-session and Intensive Courses

Because inter-session and intensive courses normally are designed to have a limited number of class meetings, there is no Applicable Absence Limitation available for these courses. Students are expected to attend all class meetings of inter-session and intensive courses. An absence or significant tardiness to an inter-session or an intensive classes will result in the student being excluded from the course. To obtain a waiver to this rule, a student must submit a petition to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students will only grant the petition if 1) the petition shows an extraordinary and unavoidable circumstance, and 2) the instructor believes that the amount of absence will not unreasonably alter the level of engagement expected of all students in the course.


Reasons for Absences

The absences taken within Applicable Absence Limitation in any course must relate to short-term family, personal, religious observance, localized weather, commuting, work or illness issues.


Reporting Absences to the Instructor, Dean of Students

Any absences within the Applicable Absence Limitation should be reported directly to the instructor by the student. Any absences in excess of the Applicable Absence Limitation or


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