Suffolk Law Summer 2019 Student Handbook
Withholding of a Degree: The University may withhold awarding a degree otherwise earned until the completion of the disciplinary process, including any investigation, including the completion of all sanctions imposed, if any. Student Organization Recognition in Jeopardy: A warning that if the student organization is found responsible for violating the Policy on Sexual Misconduct during a specified period of time, the student organization’s recognition may be immediately revoked. Loss of Recognition: During a specific period of time, a recognized student organization may not associate itself with the University by using the University name, facilities, or other rights and privileges of recognized student organizations, after which the organization may reapply for recognition. There is no guarantee re-recognition will be granted. If re-recognition is granted, conditions for re-recognition may be specified.
APPENDIX C: Employee Discipline Where an employee of the University violates the Policy on Sexual Misconduct, discipline up to and including termination may be imposed.
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