Suffolk Law Summer 2019 Student Handbook
including but not limited to: guest privileges, early arrival/late stay status, vacation period housing, or removal from a floor, room, or building. Should residence hall space not be immediately available, relocation may take place at an arranged time.
Confiscation of Property: Confiscation of items that the University determines are inappropriate for the University setting.
Restitution: Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service or monetary or material replacement.
Educational Program or Project: Required attendance at the student’s expense at an educational workshop or completion of an educational project that will benefit the University community, responsible student, or others.
Referral: A student may be referred to Counseling, Health and Wellness, Student Affairs/Dean of Students (Law) Center for Learning & Academic Success or another appropriate office or local agency for consultation or assessment.
Unenrollment from a Course and/or Academic Program: A student may be unenrolled from a course and/or an academic program. In such cases, tuition and fees for the course will not be refunded to the student.
Order of No Contact: An order that restricts communication/contact between two or more parties. Disciplinary Probation: A period of time during which a student’s behavior is subject to examination. Strict Disciplinary Probation: A period of time during which a student’s behavior is subject to close examination. In addition, the student may be excluded from participation in some or all social and/or extracurricular activities, including, but not limited to, representing the University, participating in intercollegiate athletics, holding elected or appointed office in the Student Government Association/Student Bar Association or other student organization, or studying abroad.
Residence Relocation: Required reassignment to another residence area.
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